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Ethno::Log Redaktionstreffen

Wir brauchen immer noch interessierte Ethnologie-Studenten, die uns bei dieser Seite helfen wollen. Wir treffen uns an diesem Donnerstag, Teeküche des Instituts, 19.00 Uhr [Mehr Infos] Hallo liebe Freunde des Ethnologs, diesen Donnerstag wollen wir uns mal wieder treffen! Ich freue mich auf zahlreiches Erscheinen. Schon allein deswegen, weil es danach ins Schall und Rauch geht, wo Zephyrin diesmal auch wieder seinen Ethnologen-Stammtisch veranstaltet. Zwei wichtige Themen stehen an: Erstens möchte ich endlich mal ein paar Fach-Zeitschriften als Nachrichten-Patenschaft vergeben, deswegen freue ich mich über jeden Hauptstudiums-Ethnologen. Ich bin mit Zephyrin die Zeitschriften durchgegangen und werde euch zu den wichtigsten ein paar Sachen sagen. Zum anderen wollten wir Ideen sammeln, welche Informationen auf eine Info-Seite drauf tun müssen, für die wo das alles nicht verstehn. Bis dann!

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Games without frontiers

"I respect many kinds of approaches to the study of games and players, just as long as the researchers play games themselves." -- Aki Järvinen ... a man to my taste. His weblog games without frontiers accompanies the Ph.D.-thesis he is working on: Games without frontiers: Theories and methods for game studies. Aki Järvinen's gaming diary, the table of contents (includes thesis background), and chapters in progress of his thesis are online.

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Iconic Turn lectures

Since 2002 there is a series of lectures at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universtät dealing with the "Iconic Turn - Das neue Bild der Welt". It's organized by the Hubert Burda Stiftung, together with the Center of Humanities at the LMU.

This Thursday, 02.12., 19.00 (Große Aula) there is Prof.Dr. William J.T. Mitchell speaking on Cloning Terror: The War of Images from 9/11 to the Abu Ghraib Photographs.

There is also a website with articels from different lecturers. I think the one from Hans Belting is good to start with.

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Living a Virtual Life::Social Dynamics of Online Gaming

'Cyberanthropology' first was brought to the Institute of Sociocultural Anthropology at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich by Castulus Kolo. His work again bears fruit: The article Living a Virtual Life: Social Dynamics of Online Gaming (which he wrote together with Timo Baur, a former student of our institute) was published recently. Excerpt from the Introduction:

"Interactive online games for more than two players or multiplayer online games have become a popular object of investigation ever since social and cultural sciences began studying the Internet. Whilst initial studies on online games mainly focused on text-based virtual realities (e.g. Bartle, 1990; Bartle, 1996; Bruckman, 1992; Curtis, 1996), over the course of the last few years there has been an increasing number of publications dedicated to games with a graphical user interface and several thousands of users playing simultaneously. This development has been accompanied by a series of related conferences and the establishment of specific publication platforms as well as research associations (for example, Aarseth, 2001). In the US, game research, or game studies, has even become a topic covered by the general interest news media (for example, Erard, 2004). However, in Germany apart from being covered as a business issue, this new field is only addressed by sporadic research, of which hardly any is based on rich empirical data (Goetzenbrucker, 2001 being one of the few exceptions)."

KOLO, CASTULUS AND TIMO BAUR. 2004. Living a Virtual Life: Social Dynamics of Online Gaming. Game Studies 4(1). Electronic Document. Available online:

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