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BzgA-Spot: Afrikaner rauchen nicht

Dieser Spot (bzga-spot (video/x-ms-wmv, 585 KB) ) der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung zeigt, wie sich ein Schwarzafrikaner aktiv gegen das Rauchen einsetzt. Großes Kino. Keine Argumente mehr für rauchende Ethnologen, nicht aufzuhören.

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On genetical predestination towards intelligence and stupidity of--ladies and gentlemen--Jews and Christians you can read in the NY Times.

As Dr. Golub puts up at Savage Minds, in The Journal of Biosocial Science has recently a paper been published by geneticist Gregory Cochrane, "that suggests that stupidity and farming are linked to the way that natural selection has acted on Christians to make them mentally slow and sluggish, although it also gives them increased resistance to certain diseases. ( ... )"

ok. Its some time ago that I ve been attending biology at school, but anyway I remember the basics. I can follow an argumentation that focusses on resistance to diseases in coherence to environmental input, but transfering the evolutionary factors of environment, mutation and selection to general issues of intelligence (in quite a reduced meaning of the term itself) of <i>religious groups</i> is ridiculous, nimporte, which you focus on, Jews or Christians.
Actually the history of science is full of such strange discipline crossing transfers of knowledge.

There is this german saying I nevertheless am reminded of: Die dümmsten Bauern ernten die dicksten Kartoffeln - The most stupid farmers harvest the biggest potatoes, but I believe other approaches than the geneticist and evolutionist ones may less fail the goal of understanding certain peculiarities that do exist.

via entry at savage minds.

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