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Citing Books

One of the most annoying and fastly spreading bad habits of - as far as I can say - angloamerican sciene, is to cite whole books without referring to pages. I think, there are only some cases you can do that: If you talk about this book precisely, or if you talk about a topic or idea, which is strongly connected to that book, e.g. if the idea was mentioned first in this book and is attached in our minds to that book. But to cite a book which is only about the idea you are mentioning, like others too, is pretty useless, I think. Maybe its of help for people looking for literature, but the original idea of a citation, the prove of an argument, is fairly missed.

Furthermore, citing books without pages is only proving that the author didn't read the book.

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Google Scholar

"Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web."

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  1. Tage des Ethnologischen Films

  1. Tage des Ethnologischen Films Do., 18.11.04 20:30 Uhr: Last Hippie Standing Deutschland 2003, Regie: Marcus Robbin, 60 Min., OmdtU (Filmpremiere)

Veranstalter: Museum für Völkerkunde München, Mediengruppe München, Institut für Ethnologie der LMU-München

<a href="="">

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Bongo Flava – Swahili rap from Tanzania

Bongo Flava is the name of a HipHop influenced music which – unnoticed by the rest of the world – has become the best selling pop music in East Africa today. It is a music of the post-socialism era channeled by a wave of new private radio stations. The name Bongo Flava comes from the Kiswahili word for brains: ubongo. Bongo is the nick name of Dar es Salaam. It means that you need brains to survive there. In cooperation with a student field researcher of university of Munich, the music enterprise outhere records, editing especially hiphop from Africa, published the first compilation of Bongo Flava in november: "Bongo Flava. Swahili rap from Tanzania".

You are welcome to join the release party at Färberei on Wednesday the 24th of November. 21:00.

Program: 9pm: We start with a film documentary on Bongo Flava, made by Berlin and Weimar students of anthropology. Afterwards: Bongo Flava music and music videos with DJ Rick de Passage and MC Dougall, party...

About the compilation: "Bongo Flava. Swahili rap from Tanzania" is a 70 minute ride through the streets of Dar es Salaam. It is a look at what youth in present urban East Africa thinks of and dreams about. Tanzanian youth started rapping in the 1980s fascinated by black US HipHop. They soon developped their own way of doing it and today the music has become a style characterized by the use of local melodies, beats, topics and their own language Kiswahili. Don't think anybody could have a hit singing in English nowadays. This compilation presents the hits by some of the most important Bongo Flava artists.

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net.culture archive

The Electronic Frontier Foundation's net.culture archive which, among others, sports the topic "cyborg anthropology".

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The finest stuff from ethnology social/cultural anthropology and cyberanthropology. Collected with ceaseless endeavour by students and staff of the Institut für Ethnologie in München/Germany and countless others.
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