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Thanks to Gedeon Maheux from the Iconfactory for his fine icon set of Tribal Masks. One of them will be our new logo for at least some time.

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This is the finest news collection to all information of interest about ethnology, social anthropology, cultural anthropology and cyberanthropology.

But it's not only news. There is space for unready ideas, for anecdotes and senseless, but likeable stories. An emphasis is on the field of cyberethnology. We think, that the internet is a space with an emerging culture, and anthropology has to think about this culture, has to look at it, how it developes. We should try to understand how this new culture works. So don't be surprised to find tech news here. It's not only about bushman drums!

Where does this come from
Not from outer space, only nearly. This page is maintained by the
Institut für Ethnologie Oettingenstr. 67 80538 München, Deutschland

Institute for cultural/social anthropology Oettingenstr. 67 80538 Munich/Germany.

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This page resides on the server of, which is not affiliated with us. It is a great software and server that enables people to build a personal newssite fastly and easily. The sites on the server, and a lot of others in the world are also called "weblog" or "blog" in short. It's a revolution for media and internet, nothing else. Read this excellent paper from Sébastien Paquet from the Université de Montréal discussing the use and the advantages of a weblog in science and research, and also this great short history and meaning of the word weblog of one of the earliest "bloggers" named Dave Winer, who came of course from the technological branch.
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No. YOU SHOULD! We are powered by your contributions. If you find some interesting article or site about any tribe, some rumours from the rainforests, message from the mountains, small talk from the desert, facts from the foes, famous anthropologists writing a new book, or even news about something you don't think it's worth sending in, send it in or post it yourself, if you dare. You can easily register at (requires only name, password and email) at the provided link in the right column. Then you will see a link "create a story".

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Link to Nigeria

Years ago, at the very beginning of my "journeys into cyberspace", I was quite careless with my e-mail address. As a result I became the target of junk-mails, spam-mails and what you have. Meanwhile I've got a powerful firewall and filter which kicks all of them into killfile-oblivion. Only two categories of junk-mails still manage to sneak through: A heap of advertisement from Korea (Which I can't even read -- the bot ignores the most obvious of all 'cultural borders', the language-barrier-reef. 'Cause of that those advertisements vanish into oblivion, too.) and mails from Nigeria which promise midean fortunes to me ... and others. My poor old e-mail address (which I still keep for nostalgia's sake and as a default-option) has fallen prey to the Nigerian-Connection's search-bot.

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Guatemala-exhibition in VIENNA

i d like to inform all viennese ants about this exhibition


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Once upon a time in the Atacama desert

Prehistoric research in Chile's Atacama-desert sheds new light on the origins of the Americas' first population.

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Witch Trials in Massachusetts

Salon about some famous and heavy witch trials in Massachusetts in 1692. Interesting is the fact, that a whole city falls in some kind of paranoia.

A interesting assumption is, that the english wars against indian tribes in this region are responsible for the afraid mood in this time: "Norton (...) offers the theory that the Trials were a displaced response to the trauma of the Indian Wars on the frontiers of the British settlements in New England. She traces the connections the various participants had to Maine, the location of some especially bloody conflicts with the Wabanaki tribes and their French allies. Today, knowing as we do that the Indians would ultimately lose everything, it's easy to forget how fragile those early British settlements felt to their residents, especially in 1692, when it seemed that the Indians and French were enjoying "continued and seemingly unstoppable successes," and the Indians were boasting that they'd soon have the continent to themselves again."

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The finest stuff from ethnology social/cultural anthropology and cyberanthropology. Collected with ceaseless endeavour by students and staff of the Institut für Ethnologie in München/Germany and countless others.
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October 2002
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*uh *d'oh ! Tnks
for not taking it down entirely anyway !! :-)
by orangemcm. (11/29/22, 8:56 PM)
Schade Oh, so bad! The
oldest anthropology blog is closing :(( It seems the whole...
by iglu01 (1/4/20, 4:05 PM)
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it's time to close the weblog, it's already sleeping since...
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