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German Colonial Picture Archive

About 50.000 pictures should be included in the online acessible archive of the Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft (German Colonial Association). You can already browse a lot of pictures in their database, mainly from africa and asia. Sadly that the digital pictures, made from already low quality photographs, have very low quality itself. Via Monolog

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Public Anthropology Journal Archive

Rob Borofsky started a Public Anthropology Journal Archive. A very good idea indeed.

I forward you one of his letters calling for support to his project. Click here to read the letter

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Africanists' online resources

The Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB) of Basel (Switzerland) maintain an english-language website with classified links to resources interesting for Africanists. Among the categories there are African Studies Center and Research, which represent a well-sorted link-collection for every Africanist.

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Search Engine for German University Pages searches pages of most german universities.

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UNESCO Lifelong Education Bibliography

The Publications Department of the UNESCO Institute for Education, Feldbrunnenstrasse 58, 20148 Hamburg, announces the 50th Anniversary to be held in 2002 (1952 - 2002).The acivities of the Institute for Education cover a wide range from lecturers to documentation and publications. The institute maintains a library described as unique in Germany. Access is free.

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HRAF ethnology and archaeology databases

The controversial Human Area Relations File (HRAF) at Yale University offers free database trials for the eHRAF collections ethnography and archaeology. "The eHRAF Collection of Ethnography and the eHRAF Collection of Archaeology are Web-based, multi-cultural databases for scholars, researchers, and students with an interest in cultural diversity. The annually-growing eHRAF databases are unique in that the information is organized into cultures, ethnic groups and archaeological traditions and the full-text sources (books, articles, and dissertations) are numerically subject-indexed at the paragraph level." Passwords, tutorials and more info ...

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How to Read and Understand Old Handwritings?

If someone (like me) is doing anthropological research in old travel journals, conqueror letters or missionary/ethnographer notes, he may have trouble with the original sources. How to read the old hand writings? How to understand them? The University of Zürich provides a great online course which will probably be very helpful. The NZZ reports about it.

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Scanned Travel Literature Online

The Göttinger Digitalisierungs Zentrum has a huge archive of scanned travel literature from all over the world, but especially for North America. You can find there a lot of anthropologically interesting material in different languages about cultural contacts between indigenous people and all kinds of travellers. A well known example could be Las Casas report about the Destroying of the Indian Population (from 1552) and a not so well known example Balduin Möllhausens Journal of a Journey from Mississippi to the coast of the south seas (1858). Via Netbib

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KVK :: MetaSearchEngine for libraries

kvk"75 million books and serials in library and book trade catalogs worldwide. A service of the University Library Karlsruhe." From a study-project at the University of Karlsruhe (Germany) grew an immense powerful meta-search interface for online library catalogues: The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog. A more than comprehensive search site allows you to simultaneously search in nearly every available online-catalogue -- you can choose in which catalogues the engine shall search for you. Included are among numerous others: French National Library, Library of Congress, British National Library, Antiquariat-nets, and even the professional booksellers' catalogues. Due to its architecture and to the priority-connections the search engine maintains, it's oftentimes faster to search via KVK than to directly search in a library's online-catalogue! There are english, spanish, and german versions of the KVK, and those with or without Java. Because of that the KVK works with less powerful connections, too. But you can reach all that intuitively from its start page where you can find FAQs in several languages, too. One of the interesting 'bonus-features' is a clear list of special catalogues.

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Institute of Ethnology (Neuchatel)

neuchatelSince 1997 the Institute for Ethnology at the University of Neuchatel (Switzerland) maintains a website which informs about the lectures, bibliographies (the bibliography-subpage goes back until 1989) and publications of the institute. The categories "Nouvelles brèves" and "On nous pries d'annoncer" contain current news on conferences, exhibitions, job-opportunities, etc. In the french-speaking world the subpage Liens ethno/anthro is known as one of the best online-resources for social/cultural anthropology. [I just visited the site and have to say that it offers even much more -- also for the non-french-speaking. zephyrin]

Institut d'ethnologie (Neuchâtel) L'Institut d'ethnologie de l'Université de Neuchâtel (Suisse) a ouvert un site Internet en 1997, qui vous présente ses programmes des cours, bibliographies, publications. Les rubriques "Nouvelles brèves" et "On nous prie d'annoncer" vous informent sur l'actualité, les conférences, expositions, appels à contributions, offres d'emploi etc. La page des liens est reconnue comme l'une des meilleures de l'espace francophone. La page des bibliographies vous offrent des données depuis 1989.

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ethnOnet :: A central online resource

Heidelberg Since May 2001 the "Institut für Ethnologie" of the University of Heidelberg, Germany maintains an online-project which strives to become the central resource for social/cultural anthropologists and ethnographers in german-speaking Europe. The central goals of the project are: 1) Positioning topics of social/cultural anthropology in the media, 2) Ignite a closer working relationship of anthropological museums and institutes, and -- most important -- 3) Create a network of social/cultural anthropology in the german-speaking sphere. Hence the central website of the project is called ethnOnet (On the same page a collection of links to every institute and museum (in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) concerned with social/cultural anthropology is to be found. The main thrust to create the network envisioned stems from ethnOnet's database of german-speaking experts in social/cultural anthropology, which is still growing.

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Population Database

At the United Nations Website is a great database called UNPP, which delivers detailed population profiles of every region and country in the world. You can also take a look at the projected growth of populations, even with parameter, for example only the projected growth of the rural population in Peru until 2050. Via Science Netwatch Sociology

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