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International Youth Link Foundation

Some students seem to have made positive experiences with the International Youth Link Foundation. Especially with an exchange program concerning Ghana.

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Opportunities in France

The Centre de Coopération Universitaire Franco-Bavarois (see CCUFB [french website] or BFHZ [german website]) offers quite a list of opportunities for bavarian students and post-graduates who want to study in France or do research there.

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ARIT Fellowships in Turkey

"The American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) is a non-profit educational institution dedicated to promoting American and Turkish research and exchange related to Turkey in all fields of the humanities and social sciences. ARIT provides support for these scholarly endeavors through maintaining research centers in Istanbul and Ankara and administering a program of fellowships to support research in Turkey at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels." Read more about all this at the ARIT homepage.

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Archaeological Fellowships in Jerusalem

The 'W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR) offer quite a number of substantial fellowships: "In the next academic year, the Albright will administer $200,000 in grants, fellowships and fee awards. These include awards for an Annual Professor, to National Endowment for the Humanities, three Andrew Mellon East-Central European, and three USIA Junior Research Fellows, as well as awards for a Samuel H. Kress, a Joint Samuel H. Kress Athens/Jerusalem and a George A. Barton Fellow. Thirteen USIA administrative fee grants will be awarded to Albright Associate Fellows. This year, the Albright has 59 fellows, including 28 with stipends and fee awards from the Albright Institute. Associate Senior, Post-Doctoral and Research Fellows receive funding from other sources, including, among others, the Fulbright and the Council of American Overseas Research Centers." Have a look at the list of the fellowships, including detailed descriptions and deadlines. The Application Forms are downloadable, too.

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Tourism Master Programmes

Sheffield Hallam University offers two new Master Programmes in Sustainable Tourism ("This course examines tourism in the wider context of sustainable development. Sustainable tourism has become an identifiable part of tourism and has a recognised place in its study and practice."), and Tourism and Culture ("This course is aimed at anyone wanting to start or develop a career within the tourism and cultural industries.").

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Visiting Professor at Temple University

Temple University, Department of Anthropology, invites applications for the position of Visiting Professor in Visual Anthropology for the Fall 2003 semester, pending final budgetary approval. This will be a one-semester appointment. Candidates should have Ph.D. degree and experience in teaching undergraduate courses. The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses in visual anthropology and introductory undergraduate courses in anthropology. Temple University is an equal opportunity employer and strongly encourages women and candidates from ethnic backgrounds typically under-represented in higher education to apply. The deadline is May 30, 2003. Please send a letter of application, CV and the names and addresses of 3 referees to Charles Weitz, Chair, Department of Anthropology, Gladfelter Hall, Temple University 1115 West Berks Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122 via Anthro-L

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Klingon interpreter needed

The urge to provide "the other" with medical care bears fruit as ap tells us: "The office that treats mental health patients in Multnomah County had included Klingon on a list of 55 languages that could be spoken by incoming patients. But the inclusion of the Star Trek language drew a spate of tongue-in-cheek headlines. And now the county has rescinded its call, stressing that it hasn’t spent a penny of public money on Klingon interpretation. “It was a mistake, and a result of an overzealous attempt to ensure that our safety net systems can respond to all customers and clients,” Multnomah County chair Diane Linn said in a news release. County officials had previously said that no patient had ever come in speaking only Klingon, but that the county would pay a Klingon interpreter in the unlikely case one was actually needed. In recent years, Klingon has gone from being a fictional tongue for the Star Trek television and movie series to a complete language, with its own grammar, syntax and vocabulary." If you want to train yourself to be able to apply for the job, you can have a look at the Klingon alphabet here, or go directly to The Klingon Language Institute: "Klingon was invented by Marc Okrand, for use in some of the Star Trek movies. He invented not just a few words to make the Klingons sound alien, but a complete language, with its own vocabulary, grammar, and usage." Mental Health, Klingons ... in the 19th century a psychiatrist was called an "alienist", but the term vanished. Are cultural anthropologists, dealing with "the other", today's alienists? I found the explanation of the term on the frontispiece of Caleb Carr's novel The Alienist. Really worthwhile to read IMHO; and Franz Boas himself, icon of american cultural anthropology, appears in the novel. UPDATE: Over at Anthro-L Dustin M. Wax wrote an encompassing commentary on the Klingon-language story. Out of this an interesting thread developed.

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Funding oppurtunity

The ESRC Science in Society Programme has a new funding opportunity (up to £3000 per visit) to assist scholars actively researching the themes covered by the programme, to visit UK institutions for 3 to 10 days. We hope that such visits will promote international collaborations.

For full details see the programme website

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African literature job at Berlin University

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (max. befristet gem. § 57b HRG - Vgr. IIa - BAT-O i.d.F. v. 10.01.2003) Aufgabengebiet: 1)Wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen in Forschung und Lehre auf dem Gebiet der Afrikanischen Literaturen und Kulturen 2) Aufgaben zur Erbringung zusätzlicher wissenschaftlicher Leistungen Anforderungen: Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium; möglichst überdurchschnittliche Promotion auf dem Gebiet afrikanischer Literaturen und Kulturen; Kenntnisse in populärer, performativer oder medialer afrikanischer Kunst und Literatur erwünscht. Den üblichen Bewerbungsunterlagen ist eine Skizze des beabsichtigten Habilitationsprojektes im Umfang von etwa zwei Seiten beizulegen. Bewerbungen sind innerhalb von 3 Wochen unter Angabe der Kennziffer AN/005/03 an die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät III, Dekanat (Sitz: Dorotheenstr. 26), Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin (Prof. Dr. F. Veit-Wild) zu richten. Zur Erhöhung des Frauenanteils sind Bewerbungen qualifizierter Frauen besonders willkommen. Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt. Auf die Übersendung von Sichthüllen bitten wir aus Gründen der Portoersparnis zu verzichten.

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MA and PhD programs at the University of South Florida

Students: There's still time to apply for admission to the MA and PhD archaeology programs within the Anthropology Department at the University of South Florida (deadline is January 15). Very competitive stipends are available on a competitive basis for our PhD students (about $14,000 for a 20-hour appointment as departmental teaching or research assistant, plus tuition waiver), and other positions on faculty grants are also available. Read more ... via ANTHRO-L

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Junior Research Fellowship, Oxford University

For three years in any of the following subjects: Anthropology, Archaeology, History of Art, History (including Ancient History). The successful candidate is likely to be at or near the postdoctoral level. More here.

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Poste CNRS affecté ou en détachement CEDEJ (Egypte-Soudan)

Le Centre d'Etudes et de Documentation Economiques, Juridiques, et Sociales, Centre français de recherche établi au Caire et Unité de Recherche Associée (URA 1165) CNRS, MAE peut recevoir des personnels CNRS en affectation ou des personnels universitaires (professeurs ou maitres de conférence) de catégorie A en détachement, en qualité de chercheur associé au CNRS, pour une durée d'un an éventuellement renouvelable. Le CEDEJ serait heureux, à ce titre recevoir un ou deux chercheurs. La mission de recherche du CEDEJ consiste en un développement des savoirs sur l'Egypte et le Soudan contemporain dans leurs dimensions sociales,politiques, et économiques, et dans leurs relations avec les autres pays de la région.Les axes privilégiés sonr : les études historiques et juridiques, la sociologie politique, l'analyse du développement économique, les changements liés à l'urbanisation. Les dossiers de candidatures sont accessibles sur le site we du CNRS. Ils peuvent également être retirés dans les délégations du CNRS. Merci de nous faire également parvenir une copie de votre dossier de candidature. La date limite de dépôt des dossiers dans les délégations du CNRS est fixée au Vendredi 20 Decembre 2002. Via DAVO

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