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CALL FOR POSTER PRESENTATIONS "Violence and Agency: Controversies and Confrontations/ Gewalt und Handlungsmacht: Widerstände und Widersprüche University of Vienna, Austria, 6-7 December 2012"

The Initiativkolleg "Gender, Violence and Agency in the Era of Globalization" is an interdisciplinary doctoral program that includes Cultural and Social Anthropology, Law, Literary Theory, Media Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology.

We invite graduate and postgraduate scholars from these and other fields of study to submit abstracts for POSTER PRESENTATIONS for our closing conference:

Violence and Agency: Controversies and Confrontations/ Gewalt und Handlungsmacht: Widerstände und Widersprüche University of Vienna, Austria, 6-7 December 2012

Presentations will be held in German and English. Abstracts can be submitted in both languages.

Keynote speaker: Jasbir Puar (Rutgers University, New York), author of Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times (2007)

Context and Questions of the Conference (expand) Critical engagements with neoliberalism necessitate a rethinking of the relationship between violence and agency. Violence and agency are not mutually exclusive opposites. Neither can they be seen as specific to singular discourses. Violence, for instance, does not only cause physical injuries; it does not inhere in discourses on armed conflicts. Especially in neoliberalism, violence is multifaceted, local, and embodied. This is apparent in the ongoing precarization of working relations, where flexibility has brought about increased uncertainty regarding job security and benefits, and the extension of poverty. The family and kinship relations are reconstructed as a sacred site seemingly deregulated by the state. However, this re-essentializing of the private sphere is the by-product of the privatization and individualization of care. With women remaining the chief caregivers within these settings, it becomes obvious that relations of violence are gendered (Sauer). But violence is also structural and institutionalized. The construction of national homosexuality, or the enfolding of white gayness as finally proper to the ongoing narrative of the nation, is defined in contradistinction to racialized others. Puar has called this the pinkwashing of national ideology.

In this conference, we are interested in the different entanglements of violence and agency. In what practices can they be observed, and how can we think and theorize their relationship in neoliberal times? Is agency always a product of, or a reaction to, violence? Or can agency be thought of as something other than violence's correlative? Under what conditions is agency seen as a natural attribute of the subject?

We are seeking submissions that thematize violence and agency in relation to one or more of the following topics:

• bodies, biotechnology and (reproductive) technology • gender in the military, armed conflicts, and resistance movements • gendered and sexualized border crossings (e.g. sex tourism, immigration) • transsexuality, representation, and self-affirmation • the normalization of sexualities in legal discourse • body, experience and identity (e.g. ageing, binge-drinking)

We especially encourage scholars with minoritarian interests to apply. The conference venue is accessible by wheelchair.

Please send an abstract of max. 250 words to: violenceagency2012 aet The deadline for submission is July 31, 2012. Applicants will be notified by August 15, 2012.

All costs arising from the manufacture of the poster will have to be borne by the presenter.

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Vom Lebensraum Meer: Ethnographisches Arbeiten auf der Lovis


Vom Lebensraum Meer: Ethnographisches Arbeiten auf der Lovis Vom 14. (Anreise ab 18 Uhr) bis 23. September 2012

Wie leben Menschen am Meer und auf See und wie kann man diesen Lebensraum aus ethnologischer Perspektive betrachten? Das wollen wir gemeinsam mit Euch ausprobieren. Wir werden neun Tage an Bord der Lovis verbringen und von Greifswald aus die Ostsee erkunden. Der Törn richtet sich an EthnologiestudentInnen aber auch Studierende anderer Fachbereiche, die sich auf kreative und praktische Weise ethnologische Themen aus dem Lebensraum Schiff - Meer - Hafen erarbeiten wollen. Dabei wollen wir ethnologische Werkzeuge und Ausdrucksformen praktisch anwenden und uns textliche, auditive und visuelle Zugänge zu unseren Themen suchen. Es sind Workshops zu den Bereichen Soundscapes, Interviews, Fotographie, Anthropologie der Sinne etc. denkbar, wir wollen Filme mit Euch sehen, diskutieren und natürlich wollen wir mit Euch segeln! Hast Du Lust mitzufahren? Hast Du Themen- und Umsetzungsideen? Dann melde dich bei uns, wir freuen uns!

Start und Ziel ist Greifswald Der Kostenbeitrag liegt bei 340-440 Euro Weitere Infos und Anmeldung unter und

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Ethnoparty am 1.6.

Ethnoparty am 1.6. in der Glockenbachwerkstatt!

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Ethnography in Business Contexts, Berlin Meetup June 8th

Interested in learning about and discussing the potential of ethnographic methods in business or industrial contexts? Then join fellow academic and business ethnographers, user experience and marketing researchers, designers and design thinkers at our first EPIC (Ethnographic Practice in Industry Conference) Berlin meetup on Friday, June 8th 2012.

The meeting will be a very informal get together with two topics on our agenda:

Opportunities and barriers in applying ethnographic practice to business questions In the US context, ethnographic practice in business is an established force in the research landscape. In Germany and Europe, we are not quite as far advanced – we want to take this opportunity to share and discuss what’s holding us back and how the future might be different.

Next steps: continuing the conversation and defining common goals / a shared agenda. We will share experiences and impressions of last EPIC Europe Meeting in Barcelona and talk about what follows next. With Catriona Macaulay from the University of Dundee and Heinrich Schwarz from Hamburg we will have two of the Barcelona co-organisers with us.


  • When? Friday, June 8th 2012, 17:00
  • Where? Point-Blank International GmbH, Münzstraße 18
  • Do I get something to eat? Yes, we'll have some food to encourage thought :-)
  • Anything I need to bring along? Yes, an interest in ethnographic practice

Please register for free until June 1st, so that we know who wants to join us:

We look forward to an insightful first Meetup!

Christoph Welter (Point-Blank International) and Fabian Klenk (USEEDS°)

For those of you who don't know EPIC yet - here are some links for further information:

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10 Jahre Ethno::log

Gibts eigentlich ne kleine Party / ein Treffen zum 10-jährigen Bestand des Ethnolog? Das müsste doch entweder schon gewesen sein oder kommt bald? Was meint ihr?

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Michel Montecrossa's Futurist Courage & Love Climate Change Musical 'The House Of Time - Part I' - Filmvorführung am 18.05.2012

Am Freitag, den 18. Mai 2012 wird Topical Songwriter Michel Montecrossa's Futurist Courage & Love Climate Change Musical 'The House Of Time - Part I' im NEW ART CINEMA (im Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner in Gauting) vorgeführt, Beginn: 20:00 Uhr; Eintritt frei.

Veranstaltungsadresse: Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner Danziger Str. 1 82131 Gauting tel: 089-850 8555


Michel Montecrossa's futurist courage & love climate change musical. The House Of Time, Part I – Every Moment: a visionary sci-fi CG action thriller moving between earth and unbelievable sky-city. The House Of Time, Part I – Every Moment: a fullstream consciousness movie about the growth and victory of Cyberwarrior Michel and his avatar Mike in a changing terrestrial and marsian world. The futurist love-story of cyberwarrior Michel, his soul- and dreamgirls, Mystery, Hazel, and the mysterious Lady from the Sun. Reality passion in cyberworld. Virtual body and organic body love-making touching the secret of the timebody. Good and evil transcended. The story of Cyberwarrior Michel becoming champ & stream of consciousness musician. Together with his girls Mystery and Hazel and virtuality friends he is bringing courage and love power-music into the multidimensional, organic world of humanitarian, economical and ecological crisis. Michel, Mystery and Hazel know how to freely move in time. They know how to change everything. The House Of Time, Part I – Every Moment: great music, thrilling action, emotion, passion and … the unexpected. Find a new level of awareness - go to the House Of Time! The House Of Time, Part I – Every Moment: a free consciousness-stream music-movie. Website of the movie 'The House Of Time'

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EPIC Europe 2012 - Review

I visited the EPIC (Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference) Europe Meeting (as posted here before) and you can read my review on USEEDS° blog UX to go.

The one interesting thing for me was, how many Germans were there. So there really is interest in this topic :)

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UX Book Club: Cyberanthropology

In the next UX Book Club we are going to have the honor to have Alexander Knorr with us. He is the author of “Cyberanthropology”, an exciting work on humans, technology, cyberpunk, online role playing games and more. It is about what used to be science fiction and now is reality.

PD Dr. Alexander Knorr is an anthropologist at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Discuss with Alexander his book and the complexity that connects technology and society!

When: 14.05.2012, at 19:00. Where: IDEO Munich, Kellerstr. 27, 81667 Munich.

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Michel Montecrossa's Peace & Climate Change Musical 'The Resurrection Movie - Filmvorführung am 11.05.2012

Am Freitag, den 11. Mai 2012 wird Topical Songwriter Michel Montecrossa's Peace & Climate Change Musical 'The Resurrection Movie' im NEW ART CINEMA (im Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner in Gauting) vorgeführt, Beginn: 20:00 Uhr

Eintritt frei.

Veranstaltungsadresse: Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner Danziger Str. 1 82131 Gauting tel: 089-850 8555

About the movie: 'The Resurrection Movie' is Michel Montecrossa's ( great peace & climate change musical with 27 songs and a great passion story telling the love-tale of cyberrocker-astronaut Starlight and his mate Earthpower and how they change hellish mega city planet through their music into a free world.Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner(mehr)"The Resurrection Movie", says Michel Montecrossa, "is a continuous awareness enhancing stream of multilayered messages telling the story simultaneously in a poetic, picturesque and musical way. It is presenting a new level of my ongoing creation of Fullstream Cinema-Art." 'The Resurrection Movie' tells the mythic love story of cyberrocker-astronaut Starlight and Earthpower. In a world that became one global mega city system, Starlight and Earthpower embody the unexpected and unforeseen that change everything. Into the holocaust of unending wars fought by an abysmal society, split between gangstas and rockers and led by a central processor regent (CPR), they bring the victory of humanity. An epic movie of music, love and passion for freedom. A celebration of deep-brain lovemakin', a grail of demechanization, a revelation of soul and body overcoming terror and impotence. A surreal and ultimately real world where death-fear and libido change into love and life. A musical verite of courage and love, profound emotions, passion and mystery. Michel Montecrossa is cyberrocker-astronaut Starlight. Mirakali is Earthpower. 'The Resurrection Movie': Power of Art. Power of Cinema. Power of Music. Power of Consciousness.

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Tagung: Zwischen Objekt, Text, Bild und Performance: Repräsentationspraktiken ethnographischen Wissens

Tagung am 30. November und 01.Dezember 2012 in Berlin Tagungsorte: Humboldt Universität zu Berlin und Freie Universität Berlin

Link zum Call for Papers - der läuft allerdings nur noch bis Montag!

Seit jeher werden ethnographische Inhalte neben ihrer akademischen, zumeist an den Text gebundenen Verarbeitung auch für ein breiteres Publikum aufbereitet, inszeniert und in (audio-) visuelle Medien überführt. Museen, Ausstellungen und Festivals setzen neben den Objekten selbst auf Ton- und Film-Features, künstlerische Arbeiten wie Installationen und Performances oder Fotografie für eine öffentlichkeitswirksame Aufarbeitung ethnographischen Wissens. Im Zuge der postmodernen Reflektion über die Autor/innenschaft von Wissen (Clifford/Marcus 1986) und der postkolonialen Kritik an historisch festgelegten Repräsentationsregimen im „Westen“ in Bezug auf den globalen „Rest“ (Hall 1992; Said 1978, 1989) in Wissenschaft und Kunst erfolgte eine breite Debatte über Repräsentationshoheit, -formen, -inhalte und ihre Vermittlungspraktiken. Wie sich der postmoderne Paradigmenwechsel in der Konzeption und Darstellung ethnographischer Forschung anschließend niedergeschlagen hat, haben nachfolgende Tagungen und Veröffentlichungen aufgezeigt (vgl. „after writing culture“, James/Hockey/Dawson 1997). Offen bleibt jedoch, inwieweit Forderungen der postkolonialen Kritik Eingang in die bis dato etablierten sowie neuen Repräsentationspraktiken ethnographischen Wissens gefunden haben. (weiterlesen)Rund 25 Jahre nach dem Paradigmenwechsel möchten wir die von postmoderner und postkolonialer Kritik aufgeworfenen Fragen nach den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen sowie Mächtigkeiten und Ohnmächtigkeiten ethnographischer Repräsentationsformen und -praktiken erneut stellen und diese vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Diversifizierung reflektieren. So rückt in der gegenwärtigen globalisierten Welt das Interesse am kulturell Partikularem wieder verstärkt in den Vordergrund sowie dessen Inszenierung in wissensorientierten „Konsumlandschaften“, wie Museen und Galerien, dem Internet, Kino und Fernsehen. Zudem rahmten und beeinflussten in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten zugleich technologische Entwicklungen verstärkt die Erfassung, Speicherung und Wiedergabe von Informationen sowie die Zugänge, Interaktion und Überlagerung von virtuellen mit real-sozialen Welten (Handykameras, youtube, Internet-Foren). Diese Medien ermöglichten neue Formen und Orte der Repräsentation, die in Bezug auf ihren demokratischeren Zugang sowie ihre subversiven und widerständigen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten hin diskutiert, aber auch auf ihre Konsumption hin untersucht werden. Dies hat nicht nur Auswirkungen auf die Art der Darstellung, sondern auch auf das Repräsentierte selbst, was wiederum veränderte Rezeptions- und Konsumgewohnheiten zur Folge haben könnte. Die Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ethnographie vom 30.11. bis 01.12.2012 wird sich ausgehend von diesen Überlegungen mit aktuellen Repräsentationspraktiken ethnographischen Wissens zwischen Objekt, Text, Bild und Performance auseinandersetzen.

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Ethno:Log - Stammtisch

Kommenden Mittwoch Donnerstag (26.4.) 20:00 Schall & Rauch Ethno::Log-Stammtisch

Getränke frei!

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MASN Conference Call for Papers & Contributions

Dear Colleagues,

Here's the Call for Contribution for the 10th Moving Anthropology Student Network conference (MASN conference), we proudly announce and invite you to participate at this event!

Being Consciousness From Knowledge and Knowing to Consciousness 10th Moving Anthropology Student Network conference 6th - 10th June 2012 Kautzen, Lower Austria

Deadline for the Call for Papers: 15th of April 2012

The aim of the 10th MASN conference is to explore collectively consciousness from different angles, which will be gathered through participation of students from several countries. The conference program will be drawn from the creativity of the participants and their theoretical and practical contributions. Some directions could be given through themes like “Theories of Consciousness”, “The Senses”, “Altered States of Consciousness”, “Intersubjectivity”, “Consumption”, “Perception”, “Cosmology”, “Consciousness for the Shared World”... You can find more detailed information about the conference in the Call for Papers below or on our conference homepage.

Conference website: Feel free to contact us for further information: beingconsciousness ät

The Moving Anthropology Student Network, in short MASN, is an independent association and open platform to connect and create. The term ‘student’ should be understood in a broader sense, the network is open for all those who are interested in social and cultural anthropology, who like to share their experiences and promote mutual learning processes. Initiated in 2005, as a network of and for students from all over the world, it today brings students and professionals together through the regular MASN conferences, which are hosted by changing groups of people in different countries once or twice a year.

We would be pleased if you could forward the information about the conference and the call for papers to the students of your department.

Thanks and best wishes, The being consciousness group - MASN Vienna/Austria

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