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Ethics in Tourism - Discussions with a Tour Operator

The 'Work Group Anthropology & Tourism' at Munich University is organizing a visit to the tour operator Hauser exkursionen in Munich. We will be introduced to the tour operator’s codes of conduct, its agendas on ethics and sustainability, etc., and we can discuss anthropological questions with a few staff members (including an anthropologist). The event will take place on Thursday, May 27ths, 2004. Everybody interested is welcome to join!! For more information see this Aushang (application/msword, 38 KB) ...

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Global Icons

In Berlin/Germany next week starts a conference on "global icons", which is for example the face of Che Guevara, and how people in a globalised world, especially the youth, build their identity on those icons. [I read only the short introduction, but I am missing thoughts about the individual use of those icons in different cultural communities. I have the feeling that those icons are often filled with a different content in different cultures.] Via Dienstraum

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Africa's youth -- Africa's future

From 11. June 2004 through 13. June 2004 the Evangelische Akademie in collaboration with the Initiative Pro Afrika stages a congress called Africa's youth -- Africa's future" at Bad Boll, Germany. You can download the program as a .pdf file.

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Bild und Macht Tagung

This weekend (23.04 and 24.04.) a congress called "Bild und Macht" (picture and power) originated by the department of philisophy is taking place at LMU.

For further information visit

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Dynamics of change of consumerism in Africa

On 27./28. February 2004 there will be a scientific workshop on The dynamics of change of consumerism in Africa in the IWALEWA-house in Bayreuth. The workshop is organised by the SFB/FK 560. Read everything about the workshop (in german).

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Sexuality, Culture, and Society

The 8th Summer Institute will take place from June 27- July 22, 2004.
We hereby present the 2004 programme of the Summer Institute on Sexuality, Culture, and Society organised by the Universiteit of Amsterdam. Participate in courses, seminars and dialogues in Amsterdam on the cultural and social dimensions of human sexuality. Scientific directors are: Carole Vance and Han ten Brummelhuis. This years faculty: Alice Miller, Stefan Dudink, Radhika Chandiramani, Oliver Phillips, Geetanjali Misra, Sea Ling Cheng, Marieke van Doorninck and Mirjam Schieveld. The Summer Institute is an intensive four-week summer program which focuses on the study of sexuality across cultures and is taught by an international faculty team. This highly specialised programme is for advanced students, primarily Ph.D. and MA students in the socio-cultural sciences and professionals working for NGO's. The institute was founded in 1995 since then students from more than thirty countries have participated in our courses. Nearly a quarter of the participants have been professionals working for NGO's. The other participants came from such diverse educational backgrounds as the social sciences (anthropology, sociology), psychology, women's studies, history, public health and human sexuality studies. Statements of former students can be found on the website. We expect a 2004 class of approximately 30 students. The Institute's classes are intensive small group seminars, with discussions, lectures and guest lectures by prominent people in the field. Applications must be addressed to the Universiteit van Amsterdam at the below address. You can visit our web-site for an application form. Please feel free to share this information.

Sincerely yours,
Mirjam Schieveld
Programme manager
Summer Institute on Sexuality, Culture, and Society
International School for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Postal address
P.O. Box 26
1000 AA Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Visiting address
Prins Hendrikkade 189-B
The Netherlands
phone: +31 20 525.3776
fax: +31 20 525.3778
E-mail website

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'Ethnology & Tourism' - conference programme Last info for coming Friday's Conference on 'Ethnology & Tourism' in München - have a look at the updated conference programme (application/msword, 118 KB) . What an event...!! Congrats.

[zeph:] To avoid misunderstandings: The event hasn't taken place yet, but WILL take place next Friday, 12th December 2003. And the program is online as well ;o)

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Visual Culture Week - Nafa Film Festival

Got this announcement by e-mail, maybe someone will get interested. :)

Dear friends, I am happy to inform you that the NAFA Film Festival 2004 will take place May 10-16 in Tartu , Estonia. The festival will be hosted by the Estonian National Museum as the first event of the Tartu Cultural Week annual series. You will find more information about the festival at the Estonian National Museums website Right now the information about the festival and the regulations can be reached directly at: Soon you will find an entry form there, also. And of course, we are looking forward for receiving your film submissions and ideas how to make the festival a very successful one. All the best, Liivo

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7th Göttingen International Film Festival

A Call for Submissions (deadline January 16, 2004) reached us by e-mail, regarding the 7th Göttingen International Film Festival (May 19-24, 2004): "Dear friends, we are happy to be able to annouce our 7th Göttingen International Film Festival. As in the years before, we are looking for new films in the context of ethnographic, cultural and sociological work. We are interested in productions also from outside anthropology looking for intesifying the dialog with documentary filmmakers as well as cultural worker. We would like to ask you to send the E-mail to people which might be interested. Especially, we would like to ask you, to animate students to participate in our student competition. New to our festival is, that we opened it for interactive and/or multimedia productions. We are looking forward to hear from you. Further information you find on our website. Best wishes Beate Engelbrecht"

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Documentary about Leo Frobenius

The german french TV channel arte is sending on this saturday (8th of November) a documentary about "Leo the African" Frobenius. Turn the TV on at 20.45...

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Conference on Anthropology and Tourism

12th of December from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Vortragssaal des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde, Maximiliansstr. 42 (Munich) The working group "Anthropology & Tourism" has arranged an interdisciplinary conference called "Anthropology and its search for a place in the tourism discussion" which will take place the 12th of December 2003 at the Museum of Anthropology in Munich. Topics range from "An Anthropological Perspective on Tourism Culture", "Tourism and Sustainability", "Community Based Tourism and Minorities", "The Concept of Participation in Tourism-Projects" to "The German Road of Fairy-Tales". The conference seeks to cultivate an interdisciplinary forum for scholars, private/public sectors, and policy-makers interested in the practice and theory of tourism. The working group invites anyone interested to join the conference. For more information see the schedule and invitation Tagung (application/msword, 834 KB) or contact us at

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Africa and Blacks in German popular culture

International conference: Colonial and postcolonial constructions of Africa and Blacks in German popular culture. Königswinter near Bonn October 13-17, 2004. Call for Papers: "Possible topics include, but are not limited to: film, music, pictoral arts, literature, comics, postcards, anthropological and other museums, advertising, materials of everyday life, food, toys, missions, circus and ethnological show business, sports, journalism and the media, sexuality, sexisms, gender construction, mapping the African body, violence, "blackness"/"whiteness". The influence of: philosophy, physical and cultural anthropology, "Rassenlehre", historiography, politics. The impact from abroad: USA, Africa, European countries. Further suggestions are welcome. We also plan to set up round table and/or panel discussions. Conference languages will be German and English. Registration fee will be EUR 30,- (EUR 15,- for students). Please share this information with interested colleagues and students at your institution. Registration deadline will be January 15, 2004. Only those who register will receive subsequent mail with more information." For more information write an e-mail to KopfWelten e.V. or to Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst, both at the Institut für Afrikanistik of Cologne University, Germany or directly download the registration form as a .pdf.

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