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Vorstellung der Sudan-Lehrforschung

Studierende des Instituts für Ethnologie und Afrikanistik waren vor einem Jahr mit Prof. K. Beck im Sudan. Demnächst stellen sie uns die Forschungsprojekte vor, die sie während der drei Monate im Sudan bearbeitet haben.

Herzliche Einladung an alle Interessierte!

Termin & Ort: Montag, 25. Oktober, 19.00 - Raum 1.14 des Instituts

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Die Universität im 21.Jahrhundert. Wofür brauchen wir sie?

23.Oktober 2004, 15,00-17,00 Uhr Auditorium Maximum der Technischen Universität München Arcisstr.21 80333 München

Anlässlich des 10. Jubiläums des Harvard Club München findet im AudiMax der TU München ein Round-Table-Gespräch zum Thema: "Die Universität im 21. Jahrhundert. Wofür brauchen wir sie?" statt. Moderiert wird die Veranstaltung von Dr. Josef Joffe, dem Herausgeber der ZEIT. Weitere Teilnehmer sind:

  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Herrmann, Präsident der TU München
  • Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schipanski, Präsidentin des Landtages des Landes Thüringen
  • Dr. Burkhard Schwenker, Sprecher der Geschäftführung von Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
  • Axel Pretzsch, CEO der Pretzsch Media Group
  • Prof. James W. Davis, Ph.D., Lehrstuhl für Internationale Politik an der LMU München

Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen. Der Eintritt ist frei.

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Summerschool Transcultural Studies

Summerschool Transcultural Studies 20.-24.9.04, Universität Bremen.

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Anthropology and tourism conference

GATE (Gemeinsamer Arbeitskreis Tourismus und Ethnologie e.V.) organizes a conference on "Chances, perspectives and conditions for better cooperation" [between anthropology and the tourism industry]. The confernece will be held on 5. and 6. November 2004 in Berlin. There's no information on the conference at GATE's website yet, but will be soon. Till then you can contact Susanne Schmitz, the organiser, and get all info and the application form by e-mail from her.

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Multimedia Competition for Intangible Heritage

The korean art center nabi and the UNESCO are arranging the Nabi Digital Storytelling Competition. The goal is to promote creative interpretations of intangible heritage through the use of interactive multimedia tools and digital storytelling technologies.

Intangible Heritage means all the imaginative expressions of a culture, e.g. dance, music, oral traditions, but also knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe (see UNESCO definition).

For the competition you have to hand in only proposals, not finished works. If anyone is interested in taking part, for example students interested in Visual Anthropology, get in contact with me, I would be interested to join or to deliver some ideas at least.

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On 2nd and 3d July 2004 the public symposion ILUSIONES on sociocultural anthropological Latin America studies in Munich will be held at our institute and the Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, München. Have a look at the program or directly download the information brochure (.pdf, 200KB).

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Ist die Weltwirtschaft von China abhängig? Worldeconomy dependent on China?

  1. Juni 2004: Peter von Guretzky-Cornitz (HypoVereinsbank, Asiengeschäft) talks about "economic dependence on China" at Department für Asienstudien

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Workshop "ETHNIZITÄT" in Leipzig

Vom 09. bis 11. Juli findet an der Uni Leipzig im Institut für Afrikanistik ein Workshop zum Thema "ETHNIZITÄT" statt. Der Workshop ist kostenlos (bis auf die Anreise), für Unterbringung bei Studenten ist gesorgt, für anregende Diskussion ebenso wie für kulturelles Abendprogramm...
Anmeldeschluss ist der 28.06.2004. Weitere Infos findet Ihr hier im Download Workshop Ethnizitaet (application/msword, 24 KB) oder über die Homepage in Leipzig.

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New Approaches to postcolonial studies

Graduate seminar, Venice International University, Oct. 18-22, 2004

Instructors: Prof. Dr. Frank Heidemann, Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikanistik, LMU Prof. Dr. Richard Janney, Institut für Anglistik, LMU Prof.Dr. Graham Huggan, Department for English Literature and Postcolonial Studies, University of Leeds

Registration Participation is restricted to 15 students. Applicantions should be submitted to and to by not later than July 2nd. Course language is English. Read more ...In 2002, the second edition of Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin´s seminal introduction to postcolonial literary / cultural studies, The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures was published. Dynamic new sections were added on globalization, the environment, religion and the media, reflecting a shift in the field away from earlier, predominantly literature-based approaches to Commonwealth/postcolonial cultural production toward historically informed analyses of current social/cultural issues, marking postcolonial studies as a significant site of contemporary global cultural critique. This new understanding of a ´postcolonial from below´, as the critic Robert Young describes it, entails the elaboration of ´a politics of the subaltern, that is, [of] subordinate classes and people´ (Young 2003:6), which counteracts the theoretical elitism that still arguably dominates a rapidly transforming field. The opening up of postcolonial studies to populist social / cultural debate, often surrounding the figure of subaltern, has required the development of new cross-disciplinary modes of critical analysis. Literary / cultural studies, as before, still has an important role to play here; but so too do sociology, political science, ethnology / anthropology and development economics. The seminar will look at a variety of new approaches to postcolonial studies, comparing them to older but not necessarily outdated critical-theoretical models, and testing their applicability to issues (global inequality, environmental degradation, ethnic / religious conflict, media ethics) that are of direct relevance to the contemporary postcolonial world. The seminar will comprise four four-hour sessions run over a five-day period, and will allow both for the discussion of up-to-the-minute postcolonial readings and fop the presentation of work in progress by the members of the seminar group. The seminar is primarily designed for participants in the University´s international PhD programme in postcolonial studies, but is open to other suitably qualified faculty students on request. Works Cited: Ashcroft, W., G. Griffiths and H. Tiffin (2002) The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures, London: Routledge. Young, Robert J.C. (2003) Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Note: Financial Support is not available. Participants cover transport and accommodation.

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Diashow: Traveling Colombia (in german)

Traveling Colombia... Is Colombia as dangerous as it apears to be on the news? This is for sure no ethnograhphic-dia-show (the students are not anthropologist), but it shows some good and bad sides from this beautiful country... for sure, it shows more than just drugs problems, mafia legends and guerrilla conflicts... appointment: thursday 17th june in Club-in

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Global Icons: Conference Report

The TAZ (german) reports about the conference Global Icons recently held in Berlin (we reported). There are also some quotes from the Heidelberg Anthropologist Klaus Peter Köpping.

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call for papers, Student conference in Oxford

The "Students for Development" in Oxford organise annually a student conference on development issues. They call for postgraduate and PhD students to present their papers:: "Following the success of the first two SfD Conferences, organised by postgraduate students at QEH in 2002 and 2003, this year?s conference seeks to tackle the broad theme of North-South power relations within development. The aim of this broad approach is to maximise active participation from as diverse an array of presenters as possible. As in revious years we hope to combine postgraduate students presenting their own work in a relaxed environment of research-exchange with a number of speakers from both academic and practitioner backgrounds. further information.

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