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The recovery of meaning

LEONE, MARK P. AND PARKER B. POTTER JR. 2003. The recovery of meaning: Historical Archaeology in the Eastern United States. Clinton Corners: Percheron Press. [ISBN 0-9719587-3-4/paperback/516 pp./illus./January 2003/$39.50]

This reprint features a new Prologue by Mark P. Leone. "This work admirably demonstrates the value of structural and symbolic analysis for the recovery of meaning. For that reason it is a valuable addition to [the] anthropological literature." -- Elizabeth J. Reitz in Georgia Historical Quarterly Read more ... via ANTHRO-L

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Nuclear Rites by Gusterson

Der Anthropologe Hugh Gusterson erforscht die Lebensweise und die Rituale eines besonderen Völkchens – der Entwickler von Atomwaffen As Die Zeit reports, Gusterson wrote the book Nuclear Rites: A Weapons Laboratory at the End of the Cold War. This book, published 1998, is about a the nuclear weapon laboratory in Livermore in an anthropological aproach. I have not read it myself, but it sounds interesting.

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Catalogue on the History of Printing in the Middle East

HANEBUTT-BENZ, EVA, DAGMAR GLASS, GEOFFREY ROPER AND THEO SMETS (eds.). 2002. Sprachen des Nahen Ostens und die Druckrevolution: eine interkulturelle Begegnung. Middle Eastern languages and the print revolution: a cross-cultural encounter. Westhofen: WVA-Verlag Skulima [ISBN: 3-936136-02-5; Price: € 128.-]

This fully illustrated catalogue and collection of essays covers in some detail an important aspect of Middle Eastern history, and of the history of printing and publishing, which has not previously received the attention which it merits. The transition from manuscript to print culture in the languages and countries of the Middle East was as significant and as far-reaching in its effects as the equivalent shift in early modern Europe. Read more

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The downfall of the Xkipché

Abrupt endete die Hochkultur der Maya im Tiefland Yukatans. Krieg oder Klimawandel? Noch heute rätseln Archäologen, warum blühende Städte plötzlich verfielen. In the current volume (12/02) of "Spektrum der Wissenschaft" is an article about the downfall of the Xkipché in Mexico (sadly not online). They also name some links: Insitut für Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie der Uni Bonn Archäologie online Early Monumental Architecture Lonely Planet Mexico MAYA ARCHAEOLOGY AT MINANHÁ

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TV: Adventurer of God

Interesting for for our german readers as well as our french: Today is part one of a documentation at arte (German and French information) about the missionaries in the colonies, based mainly at shoots of missionaries in the early 20th century. Süddeutsche Zeitung also reports.

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New Studies about Ancient Nasca Culture

The scientific news service Eureka reports about two new books about the peruvian nasca culture from US-anthropologist Helaine Silverman: In her book, the first extended study of the ancient Nasca sites in what today is southern Peru, Helaine Silverman combines field research with postmodernist theory to illuminate the Nasca people's "social construction of space and cultural meaning" through their manipulation of natural settings and creation of built environments. Throughout, she challenges current anthropological theories and practices. Via Anthropology in the News

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Intercultural Communications in the Diaspora

A new german book on intercultural communications. By support of FORAREA (see older story) it was possible to publish the 13th volume of the "Münchner Beiträge zur Interkulturellen Kommunikation":

MOOSMÜLLER, ALOIS (Ed.). 2002. Interkulturelle Kommunikation in der Diaspora: Die kulturelle Gestaltung von Lebens- und Arbeitswelten in der Diaspora. Münster, New York, München, Berlin:Waxmann. [ISBN: 3-8309-1226-9]

You can find a list and abstracts of all volumes of this series on intercultural communications here. In german.

The 14th volume will be published in 2003:

ROTH, KLAUS (Ed.). 2003. Vom Handwerksgesellen zum "Green Card"-Spezialisten: Interkulturelle Aspekte der Arbeitsmigration im östlichen Mitteleuropa. Münster, New York, München, Berlin:Waxmann. [ISBN: 3-8309-1232-3]

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Handbook of Ethnotherapies

Ethnomed (see older story) recently has published the Handbook of Ethnotherapies: "In the Handbook of Ethnotherapies we find various healing methods. Healers and shamans from distant countries lead us back into our own European past and carry us off geographically into other, non-European countries. We discover that natural, alternative healing methods, that developed through the past decades, are alive. And we also discover that other cultures have entirely different diagnoses and healing methods and different definitions of disease and health, than we do." [p. 17]

GOTTSCHALK-BATSCHKUS, CHRISTINE E. AND JOY C. GREEN (Eds.). 2002. Handbuch der Ethnotherapien. Handbook of Ethnotherapies. Hamburg: BoD, Ethnomed. [ISBN: 3-8311-4184-3]

The Handbook is both in english and german, comprises 554 pages and indices. Its prize is 49.90 Euros. Send your orders directly to Ethnomed.

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'Lost Discoveries': The Non-Western Roots of Science

The NY Times reviews a book (Dick Teresi: Lost Discoveries) which shows how much of the foundation of modern scientific thought and technological development was built by the mostly overlooked contributions of Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Polynesians and Mesoamericans. For reading the NY-Times you need a free account - or just use mine: User:ethno password:log123

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Book about Pastor Strehlow, the Aborigines and language

Review about a book about the german pastor Strehlow, which grew up under the aborigines of Australia and was a skilled linguist. I did not read the article in full, but it sounds intersting for linguistics and regional interested. BROKEN SONG T.G.H. Strehlow and Aboriginal Possession, by Barry Hill

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Geert Lovink: Dark Fiber

Geert Lovink, a Amsterdam Writer, Journalist and early net critic, published a new book about the post-doctcom-internet: Dark Fiber: Tracking Critical Internet Culture (Electronic Culture: History, Theory, and Practice). MIT Press, 2002 From the press release: Dark Fiber starts when the party is over, in the post-dotcom recession era. Ignoring the libertarian culture of blame, which accuses both the government and 'the market' for the tech wreck, it sets out on a critical examination of actual Internet culture. After a good laugh about the absurd dotgone business plans it is better to prepare for tough battles to come. There is little time for post-bubble cynicism. Internet wars are on the rise. Fights over intellectual property, domain names, repressive legislation, corporate monopolies and censorship are just about to begin. The future will not merely be technological. This study argues that in order to understand and participate in the fight over the Internet a form of 'cultural competence' is required. Cultural competence is required! Now this is good news for cultural anhropologists, isn't it? Via purse lip square jaw

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TV: AIDS in Afrika

Today at the german TV broadcaster ARD (23.30): "AIDS - Tödlicher Angriff auf Afrikas Seele". A documentation about AIDS in Afrika. Among other things the report want's to show, that also the traditions of ethnic groups are responsible for the disease.

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