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The Kalimantan frontier

Herwig Zahorka, a former forestry commissioner, writes on Karl Helbig's 1937 expedition through Borneo and compares the frontiers of accessability and exploitation then and now. Download info on the book as a .pdf or contact the author.

ZAHORKA, HERWIG. 2003. Die Erschließungsfronten auf Borneo (Kalimantan) 1937 bis heute: Sozioökonomische, ethnographische und ökologische Veränderungsprozesse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stammeskultur der Dayak, Libertas Paper 48, Sindelfingen: Libertas. [69 pp., 23 photographies and maps, ISBN 3-921929-22-9; 30 EUR]

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History of Communication

As we have a lecture about ICT (information and communication technologies) and Anthropology at our institute, the following digital textbook (german) could be of interest, as it lists all inventions and developments in this field in the last centuries:

REHM, MARGARETE. 2000. Information und Kommunikation in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Berlin: Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft, Humboldt Universität. Electronic Document.

Via Technik-Kultur

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Cultural Encounter - Vol. 1 - released

One of the scholars of our institute, Dirk Patrick Hengst, in cooperation with Constantin von Barloewen, are the editors of 'Kulturbegegnungen'. The following 1st vol. is edited by Dirk Patrick Hengst:

Über Europa hinaus. Interkulturelle Philosophie im Gespräche. = Bd. 1. Osnabrück. Der Andere Verlag. 2003. Pb, 239pp., 8 ill.,EUR 25,90.

The main content are conversations with Elmar Holenstein Constantin von Barloewen Ram Adhar Mall Paul Parin Heinz Kimmerle Franz Wimmer Morteza Ghasempour

More information here

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Damin N. Toda - Manggarai

An allready four years old publication on the Island of Flores, Nusa Tenggara Tengah, Indonesia, came in my possession:

Damin N. Toda, 1999: Manggarai Mencari Pencerahan Historiografi. Prakata (foreword) by Prof. Dr. Taufik Abdullah. Ende, Nusa Indah. 1999.

This book, edited in Indonesia, is very important for all students of Indonesian cultures having reading knowledge in Bahasa Indonesia. The author of it can be contacted at Hamburg University. Universität Hamburg Asien-Afrika-Institut Abteilung für Indonesische und Südseesprachen Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 D 20146 Hamburg

or e-mail:

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Anthropology in the News

The Texas A&M University is providing a page where you can look up all articles which were published in american newpapers since 2000 and are dealing with social and cultural anthropological topics. The last update was April 2001. I will try to figure out why they stopped it (because it's a helpful tool) - but anyways: maybe you will find something you need or you are interested in at

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Bush Administration's Promotion of Ideology Over Science

Today Spiegel Online comes up with a story on how politics interfere with science. Henry Waxman, the leader of the parlamentarian commission blames the Bush Administration on manipulation, distortion, or interferance with science on health, environmental, and other key issues. At the request of Rep. Waxman, the minority staff of the Government Reform Committee has developed a website, that documents the Administration's record of promoting ideology over science. A the complete report is also available there as pdf-file.

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Today Spiegel Online comes up with a story how politics interfere with science. Henry Waxman, the leader of the parlamentarian commission blames the Bush Administration on manipulation, distortion, or interferance with science on health, environmental, and other key issues. At the request of Rep. Waxman, the minority staff of the Government Reform Committee has developed a , that documents the Administration's record of promoting ideology over science. website

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Today Spiegel OnlineSpiegel Onlinecomes up with a story how politics interfere with science. Henry Waxman, the leader of the parlamentarian commission blames the Bush Administration on manipulation, distortion, or interferance with science on health, environmental, and other key issues. At the request of Rep. Waxman, the minority staff of the Government Reform Committee has developed a website,, that documents the Administration's record of promoting ideology over science.

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Today Spiegel online comes up with a story how politics interfere with science. Henry Waxman, the leader of the parlamentarian commission blames the Bush Administration on manipulation, distortion, or interferance with science on health, environmental, and other key issues. At the request of Rep. Waxman, the minority staff of the Government Reform Committee has developed a website,, that documents the Administration's record of promoting ideology over science. Here

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Koppers, Feuerlandindianer Online

I just discovered, that the whole book from Wilhelm Koppers (written together with Martin Gusinde) about the Indians of Tierra del Fuego, "Unter Feuerland-Indianern", is available online on a private website. Koppers, like the famous Gusinde, was a priest, but also a professor for Anthropology in Vienna. He did research under those now vanished indigenous people from south america in 1921/1922. He founded the journal "Anthropos" and was advocate of a comparative anthropology ("Kulturkreislehre").

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Bias at US universities

An article of June 20 in the NY Sun about a congress hearing on anti-american biases in US universities. quotes: " A House subcommittee yesterday held a public hearing to investigate whether anti-American views pervade federally funded international-studies programs on college campuses — including Columbia and New York University — and to get ideas for what, if anything, should be done about it.

"The chief critic of the programs at the hearing, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanley Kurtz, singled out two New York institutions that he said fostered anti-American sentiment: Columbia University, the employer of Professor Edward Said, whom Mr.Kurtz said was the founding father of anti-Americanism in international studies programs, and the Hagop Kevorkian Center of the New York University,for its Web site, which features essays critical of American foreign policy after September 11, 2001.

"making ideological diversity a component of federal funding on par with gender diversity.

read the article

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The Return of the Native

In the June edition of Current Anthropology, Adam Kuper discusses the essentialisms that are present in the current struggles of "indigenous" people for their rights and the contradictions that arise from the assistance of international organizations, development agenices and NGOs. quotation: "As always, our conceptions of the primitive are best understood as counters in our own current ideological debates. The image of the primitive is often constructed today to suit the Greens and the anti-globalization movement. Authentic natives represent a world ... in which culture does not challenge nature. at the same time, the movement exploits the very general European belief that true citizenship is a matter of ties of blood and soil." Kuper's paper is followed by comments in the "CA Forum on Anthropology in Public" the contents of the whole issue you can view online. The printed version is accesible in Oettingenstr. 67, Munich.

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