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is ethnology unnecessary?

yesterday i met a girl in a course. she told me that she's trying to do her MA after the 5th semester. she's "hurrying" because she wants back in her job, in tourism industry, earning money. She said to earn more money she had to study; she has chosen ethnology because it's so easy and no demand at all; she's interested in ohter people and their way of living. In her opinion ethnology is not necessary as a institution at university at all. For her the people who are interesting for ethnogists died out anyway.....I ask YOU now: do you think she understands what she is studying? should she take a degree in ehtnology? what's your opinion? i think that she knows a lot what the ethnography sais, but she does not understand..... and i think she's a shame for the subject.....

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1. Anthropology is not a "easy subject". This idea stems from the opposite fact, which is that anthropology has such a huge diversity, that it's difficult to form the most important bundle of facts that have to be learned, as in other subjects. Anthropology needs to be done enthusastically, it's not learning something by order. You need to get involved active.

2. It's not a bad thing to do the study fast and to concentrate to getting a job later. If she want's to go in the tourism industry, it's a good idea to concentrate on that topic and to get a feeling which knowledge of anthropology may be of value in this business. It's not that the ecnomy doesn't need anthropologists, see also this article.

3. If she says the people anthropology is interested in, died out, she in fact does not understand anthropology. I think, anthropology is the science of the other, of the cultural unknown, as you need a different methodology if you do research on something totally alien. Further, culture is a always moving subject, and 100 years ago other "people and cultures died out", but nobody did recognize as anthropology was just in the beginning. And don't forget that cultural groups are always constructs. And there's also a "before" and a "after".
But in fact, there are new challenges, as culture is interchanged faster than 100 years before and cultural borders are getting more and more blurry. But anthropologists may take that as a chance also.

4. Should she take a degree in anthropology? I can't answer that question. Depends, how and about what she wants to work later. Could be that sociology would have been the more adequate subject. In any case: she should concentrate on topics she is enthusiastic for and can get involved.

5. That she dosn't understand is maybe the wrong expression, maybe it's more that she don't want to unterstand in the sense she has another opinion. Well, isn't that tolerable?

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kerleone, regarding point 5. I think you are right... although I had written it differently, I agree that we should tolerate other opinions...
Although again, if she doesn't want to understand Ethnology more or less in a present academic way of thinking, should she get her degree then. Our studies (and within, this different thinking of changing and not dying cultures) are what differs us from others (not that we are any better) but that's simply the difference.
And do you think it has its legitimacy to use Ethnology studies as a short and easy way to get an academic degree just to earn more money in the tourism industry?
In my opinion that would be (is!!!) the downfall of Ethnology and the academic life in general!

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Well, you're right, if it's the case that she only wants to get a degree quickly, she's always wrong at university, but especally in anthropology. I was trying to answer the question by trying to be optimistic and to explain what I think is *not* solely bad in the different problematic points of that student.

Looked at it as a whole case, and with a little estimating about this student and her point of view, I could come to a similiar conclusion as you ...

With "getting a degree quickly" I meant studying diligent and focussed, not skipping everything nonessential for the degree.

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Yes, I think you are absolutely right. There are several people who are trying to finish their Ethnology studies within very little time. I believe our subject indeed appears to be little challenging sometimes and that the demand isn't very high, but that's only on the surface. Because after the first four to six semestres you start to realize what Anthropology really is about and that it is academically for sure one of the MOST important subjects there are... This for sure you only realize if you really READ and UNDERSTAND !!!
It seems that the person you are talking about, doesn't understand what ethnology is ... she is far behind thinking that "the people who are interesting for ethnologists died out anyway". Who are these people? I believe that ethnology only for parts has something to do with the once thought "historical indigenous people". I understand my studies more as the study of human beings and their differences. Sure, history plays an important role (that sometimes seems to be wished forgotten) but the focus is a different one. Ethnology regards ALL people... even (and especially) us ourselves.
To make a long story short, I think you are absolutely right. She shouldn't take (or should I say better "get") a degree in Ethnology ... and she won't (I hope). By the way, I thought that the minimum of time for our studies in Munich is nine semestres and that you cannot finish earlier? But maybe I'm wrong informed...

However, keep up this discussion, because the public (and here even the inside) opinion on Ethnology really is a problem. We might all have to contribute to change that...

Cheers, warauduati ...

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thank you very much for your comments. i'm surprised and happy that i started such a discussion...i think that my understanding of ethnology is simliars to yours, warauduati. it seems that demand is not very high, but that's only on surface. while i'm studying i had to reflect my own position, opinions, whole way of living...and i tried (and still try) to do it as "objectively" as possible. for me that's it's a hard part and the "real" demand in the study: it takes away all the basis of your life, the faith in whatever you believe in (and i don't especially mean in "god" or "church" ect.). for example: does medcine "really" help me? or is it only me belive in the way of medcine i grew up with? if i try to explain friends, who have nothing to do with ethnology, that healing by an operation "works" because the patient believes in it, they don't understand at all. so i think what i learn makes me kind of "unsocial". and i think it's the hardest part in ethnology to explain non-ethnologist, what i'm doing and "translating". but the same time ethnology "takes away" my faith, believe, interpretaion of the world, it gives me back so much, because i can at least try to choose in what i believe in.....
and i want to add: yes, i also think that we should tolerate other opinions. but the problem is, when someone sais: we don't need ethnology as a subject in uni and in the extreme case: there's no more money for ethnology, he does not tolerate me! isn't that a problem?

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Today's widley spread lack of ideals, fate, believe, call it what you want.

God is dead for a long time now. So why quest for perception? Arts and sciences vanish in senslessness, so why waste time with un-answerable questions, imperfect theories and finally black despair, as answers lead to new questions? money is the new, easy God, self-production the new satisfaction. Do not think to deeply, do not dare to travel under the surface, it only hurts ...

The ways people chose differ, and they have my blessings to do what they think is best for them. I dont think to earn more money in futur is a proper reason to study, and not part of a universities duties.


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On pragmatism and responsibility

I very much embrace this discussion -- it's proof of the fact that our students constitute a reasoning, critical, reflecting and self-conscious group of developing academics. And I second the arguments brought forth so far. Allow me to throw in my two cents by citing a consensus-paper of self-definition by the staff of our institute [originally written in German]:
""Ethnologie" (= social/cultural anthropology) is the descriptive, comparative, reflective and practical science of the cultural 'other'. Its goal is to create an understanding of dynamic cultural processes. For reasons stemming from its own history as a scientific discipline "Ethnologie" (formerly "Völkerkunde") once mainly was concerned with non-european societies which were thought of not forming 'states' and to lack writing. This 'traditional field' of the discipline was expanded to encompass all forms of coping with and shaping life, in short all human lifestyles. Therefore the perspective of modern "Ethnologie" isn't limited in time and space and especially encompasses aspects of the 'own', western-industrial "Lebenswelt", too. This circumstance teams up with critical self-reflection in respect to concepts, theories and methods -- "Ethnologie" becomes a critical instance of the own culture. In globalization's wake the demand for "Ethnologie" as a scientific discipline grows dramatically. The growing interest in "Ethnologie" by politics, economy and the public clearly shows its relevance." [Our recently completed alumni-study in addition shows that our absolvents indeed get jobs, and that there's a serious demand for social/cultural anthropologic know-how on the job-market.]
The student you are speaking of obviously hasn't grabbed any of the points stated in the above paragraph. And that indeed is a pity. The student can only be blamed for a part of this pity, the rest of the responsibility falls on us, the staff. The biggest mistake the particular student made was to choose to study a discipline she obviously isn't interested in -- if she were, she at least would know a bit of the shape of current "Ethnologie". She chose the subject for sheer materialistic pragmatism, which is quite short-sighted and never a good reason; and there are always paths to circumvent learning and understanding and substitute it by a strategy to cope with the examination-system. Our current system of teaching "Ethnologie" originally was designed to give the interested and maybe even enthusiastic student a maximum of possibility to design her/his way of studying according to her/his interests and special abilities. But this of course demands responsibility and discipline from the side of the student. Obviously the latter two qualities cannot always be taken for granted. As a consequence of sorts we already started to reshape our examination-system and made it stricter, as you may have noticed. But still this seems not to be enough. The new courses of studies BA and MA, which have to be introduced -- and which we already started to design -- give us the opportunity to close the loop- and leakholes, and to sort out certain candidates (like the one which's case started this discussion) much earlier (without sacrificing the possibility of individual and original development). This sorting out will be of benefit for all parties, as there's no use in spending years and years of one's youth by studying something one isn't interested in and never will understand.

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way to go, zephyrin, couldn't have expressed it better, of course (as you can read above) ... ;-)

I might add though that responsibility in the end always is due to the student. The staff in Munich in general is doing a very good job (even the someones that are not thought so!). The only way of being able to understand what Ethnology Studies are about is to read, unfortunately you cannot force some to do so, even with a changed examination-system, which might do its part but not enough. I believe, although too young to know, that studies in Germany always had the advantage of studying liberately without pressure. This for sure only functions as long as you have students who believe in what they study and do so because of great interest - in a time in which financial matters by degree are of higher value, this perception of studying for self-elaboration has become a problem. You might reach certain things by restructuring the educational system but only by loosing values that we had and which shouldn't be lost.
The responsibility at the end lies by each and everyone of us. Maybe what we could to (all together - students and especially staff) is promoting more what Ethnology is really about and "what good it can do". Where the strenghts of these studies are... Maybe that whould help to open eyes to the subject?

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