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Ethnology and Cuts @ University of Munich ?

Hm i am not sure if this belongs here, if not, i will move or remove it, but i read this article@sueddeutsche about dramatic cuts at universities in munic, and now im uncertain what this means for our institute. 600 positions not to be extended? Does that mean 24 of our tutors and lecturers have to go? Does anyone have recent infos?


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der fachschaft politik dazu gibts hier:
und der gaf (gruppe aktiver fachschaften | mathe, physik und informatik) hier:

Studentische Vollversammlung wird vermutlich am nächsten Mittwoch um 19 Uhr im Audimax sein.

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well, that's all? only some leaflets and the appeal for making some phone calls or writing e-mails to edmund the brown-nosed reindeer?
students from other universities are in the street, on strike, protesting, squatting, blocking and fighting for their right to education. we are sitting here and putting out some leaflets ... what's wrong with munich???

Inform yourself:

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i know what you are talking about. the thing is munich is a bit slow but not as slow as you may think. the universitys in hessen, berlin and hamburg are protesting against a studycharge. these plans (especially from cdu ministerpräsident koch) were made public a couple of days ago. in munich stoiber held his speech yesterday so i think some fachschaften are pretty fast ..
untill now the ONLY university in bavaria that does anything (or at least published an answer to stoiber) is würzburg. but i think the next couple of days and especially from the middle of next week on there will be a lot to talk about with fellow students.

read this article on spiegel:,1518,272814,00.html

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Protests are rolling !!!

Just to inform you... The Fachschaft had talks with Prof. Laubscher yesterday and we diskussed the problems. Today, at this hour actually, some of our representatives are in a meeting with the ASTA, discussing what there's to do.
Please keep informed about soon ongoing protests and demonstrations. It could be that already tormorrow, or Monday, first steps will be taken.
As part of ethnologists, we will have a special meeting on Sunday. We will for parts write letters to the Dekan, The Senat and the Kultusministerium, as well as organize an information plan for all the students with consequent steps of individual protest as far as we are concerned in our Institute.

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Well, actually, what are the concret problems??

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We are fighting

Hi, I've to say something for the FS Politik:
We are doing our very best to inform students 'bout what's going on, but as we had to realize over the last few days, that it's not going to be easy to form a wide-spreaded-protest.
But we're trying, believe me!
And before you call 'eddi' a brown-nose or something, please do a better job!

It's a typical attidude for students here in munich:
They don't know much, don't do something about it, but love to critize the efforts of students who care and are trying to archive something.

So if you have good ideas or what to help, come, join us and stop whinging!!!

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nobody is whining ... yet ;-)

thanX for your efforts, dear FS =), im sure many will follow your suggestions on how to get active (for further information about what's going on concerning ethnology@lmu check out

2 professorships gone, thats really bad. what about the tutors and lecturers?
i heard gsi allready is threatend with shutdown ...

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Yep, the gsi is in danger! We'll be laking 7 of 8 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter and 4 of 7 professors... we are especially curious about the Zwischenprüfung next semester - as far as our information goes, there is no chance of proceeding with it in its courent form.

There are even rumors about a Immatrikulationsstop for PW next semester.

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my post shouldn't be an attack to people who are already trying to organize something. that's all great and important as long as those aren't the only ones that work their ass off! in fact my intention was to 'motivate' others to get active and to start a discussion 'bout possibilities and chances.
the problem is: IMHO there are insufficient students dealing with the problem. I don't hear any discussions and I have the feeling that most of them aren't even interested in?! perhaps I received a wrong impression or I simply met the wrong people but that's what it all appeared to be ...

btw: I will try to get involved into the preparations for some actions but as this is my first semester and I only know few people I don't have a real overlook 'bout structures (also stuctures of information), institutions, possibilities and meetings at the LMU yet. let's see how fast I will find out?! ;o)

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Hi everyone, highly discussing our problems within Munich's Ethnology and Humanities Studies in general.
As I am part of the FS here in Munich I will try whereever possible to put things straight as far as mine and our information goes:
I am not sure about every institute of Humanities Studies in Munich at this point, I know PW and Volkskunde have some of the greatest problems, but we are still in progress to gather ALL information.
Regarding Ethnology: the worst we have to worry about is the two posts of the Mittelbau (these are not real "professorships"). Although assured after a very successful evaluation of our institute last year, these in total seem to be cancelled in the future. HERE WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.
Different the tutors and lecturers; as far as I know, they are payed for parts in a different way and the institute is taking every effort to keep as many positions as possible.
Professors: to be honest, in comparison with other institutes in Munich, but as well in the rest of Germany, we are so far blessed! At this moment to me - personally - they are not as much of concern as the two others mentioned above. Maybe in two years, and this will be another time!

Please, keep posted. Keep up the discussions...they are very valuable, but still, with all regards, with some sort of calmness and without throwing accusations of any kind around.
I will try my best to lance an information event early next week to inform all of you of all the details!

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Sorry, i was a bit tense, last time i wrote :D

No problem at all 'chaosbastard', i'm in my first semester, too. We can talk next monday about what to do and where to meet, ok?

And yes, the most endangered institute is the institute of Politics, but i thought that only that institute was called GSI and that the other institutes have their own names and the Building was called 'Institut am Englischen Garten'. But please correct me, if i'm wrong.

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jepp, thats right prometheus ..

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As far as i am informed, no body has to fear about being forced to leave munic university. i heard, if an institute is "shutdown" students allready studying there are allowed to continue and finish their studies ... correct me if i m wrong ...

However, you can inform yourself about what is generally going on at

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