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Internet in the Eye of the Ethnographer

A paper in german, from the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fuer Sozialforschung: Internet im Auge der Ethnographin: "This paper presents a general survey of the different cultures of hackers, cyberpunks, unix freaks, real programmers and other proud, knowledgeable and daring users who inhabit this artificial landscape made up of cables, satellite connections, net adaptors, modems and programmes." Via Uni Trier

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Some critical notes

I don't dare to judge this paper without reading, but it seems on first sight, that this paper makes the typical failure: it presents the internet as a own world, and describes their "inhabitants", the hackers and MUD-Players etc. (anyway meanwhile obsolete from their numbers or at least insignificant) like they wan't to be described, as she collected her information from various pages about for example "hacker culture". In other words, it may reflect the myths, also the sometimes humorous myths, of the internet, not the real life there.
Sol there is some fieldwork lacking, I think.

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I second Kerleone's critical notes. But the study is a beginning for german anthropology looking into cyberspace. And mind, it was already written back in '96. When I've read it completely I'll share my thoughts with you ...

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i overflew the paper and i think, that it is written in an interesting style and fun to read on the one hand. on the other, i think it only scratches the surface. there was not a single new idea for me in there, but probably because it was written back in 94.
Also the groups of people that are described are not the most important groups imho, the people hanging up in forums aren't even mentioned. but yeah, as zaphyrin said, good look back in history of german anthropology looking into cyberia ;)

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The finest stuff from ethnology social/cultural anthropology and cyberanthropology. Collected with ceaseless endeavour by students and staff of the Institut für Ethnologie in München/Germany and countless others.
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