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Antville Donation

The server, on which this is currently running, is free of charge and without advertisement. But the volunteers doing this just for the use and fun of the world's internet population need to install a new server and asked for donations. We will benefit by having a faster page again. Any ideas how the Ethno::log can contribute? Are there any readers out there willing to pay a very little amount (about 1 Euro)?

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To the local staff of Ethno::log in german

Etwa 30 Euro wird als spende von jedem Weblog erwartet. Jetzt wäre es natürlich ein leichtes, wenn Zephyrin, Dijon und ich einfach zehn Euro zahlen, aber irgendwie ist es auch doof, wenn die Hauptschreiber auch noch zahlen müssen.

Ein paar andere Ideen:
- ein freiwilliger Zusatzbeitrag beim Verkauf der nächsten Ethnologik und dafür gibts gleich einen URL-Merkzettel. Das wäre auch gute Werbung.
- ein Pay-Pal-Button auf der Website
- Spenden sammeln in Seminaren (auch gute Werbung)

Noch mehr Vorschläge?

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Re: To the local staff of Ethno::log in german

i would also like to contribute, and i think the idea of paying an extra amount with the next ethnologik also would be a good idea. the only problem i see is that this might take too long :/
imho, it would be a bad idea to put that paypal button up here.

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Re: To the local staff of Ethno::log in german

I am sorry! I wanted to present a new edition of the Ethnologik in December but unfortunately I just got two articles. No basis for a magazine. All "lazies" in the institute...
Besides people always complained about how high the price yet is, so I would recommend to place an add in January if not too late then...Cheers, Marc

On a personal base I definitely contribute as well. Send info. Thanxs!

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Re: To the local staff of Ethno::log in german

Hmmm, because of high amount donations from some people involved in Ethno::log we already have the desired amount. I think this ideas I had get to complicated with too less use.

My article about Ethno::log will be finished this weekend (or earlier, if you're in a hurry).

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35 from Ethno::log so far

I just wrote them a E-Mail and a message in the thread, that they become 35 Euro so dar from dijon, zephyrin and me. They seem to reach the mark very soon. It's amazing how many people are participating.
But still we are waiting for more donations. Anyone want to donate also?
Fab, just give me some amount you think a student can afford and I will forward it.

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Re: 35 from Ethno::log so far

I paid the money now via PayPal.

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10 oiros

from me, you"ll get it @ uni !

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