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The Very Modern Prince of Tonga

A marvellously written reportage about the prince of the island Tonga, who is not only a mambo-dancer, a collector of japanese art and founder of a brewery, but also a irrepressible cybervisionary of the South Pacific: He's bent on bringing his country into the brotherhood of first- world nations and reversing its growing reputation for blundering. His strategy is to expose government-held monopolies to competition while arming Tonga with a satellite communications network that will allow back-office outsourcing to the country and create investment opportunities to rival Singapore's. With his new venture, Tonfön, the prince has staked $15 million of his own money on the belief that free-market competition and a fast Internet connection can transform his country. If he's right, Tonga could become a model for resource-challenged nations everywhere. If he's wrong, it will just confirm what many people already believe: Tonga is the sucker of the South Pacific. Read more at Wired

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ICT in the South Pacific

The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries has published a paper by Jide Olutimayin who works at The University of the South Pacific Suva, Fiji Islands. The paper is called Adopting Modern Information Technology in the South Pacific: A Process of Development, Preservation or Underdevelopment of the Culture?
"This study aims at investigating the extent to which Information Technology (IT) has affected the cultures of small nations, taking the South Pacific region as a study point. Against the background that the educational systems of the Pacific nations have not produced an efficient and effective curriculum with which to cope with the challenges of highly sophisticated technological applications, the study also examines the cultural challenges of adopting IT in the South Pacific to see if and how IT can be integrated into the cultures of the region for maximum benefits of the two entities."

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