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Doktorandenstipendium an der University of Aberdeen

The Department of Anthropology is offering one and perhaps two interdisciplinary 3-year PhD studentships to start in September 2013. The studentship will include full UK/Europe fees and a maintenance stipend set at RCUK rates. The successful applicant(s) will submit a proposal which fits within the research topic of 'Arctic Domestication' as specified on the project website The student(s) are expected to do field research in at least one of the seven circumpolar regions covered by the project and to integrate one of the four component disciplines of the project (anthropology, history of science, archaeology, genetics).

Arctic Domus is a 5-year international research project funded by a European Research Council Advanced Scholarship. The goals of the project are to elaborate a model of emplaced human-animal relations in the Arctic evoking theoretical concerns of the definition of the person, the attribution of agency, and renewed attention to build environments. A full project synopsis is on the project website within the 'events' section under the title Two PhD Studentships 2013--2016.

For further information please contact David Anderson

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