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Call for Papers: "Public Space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe"

Der Arbeitsbereich Stadtkultur und Öffentlicher Raum (SKuOR) lädt im Namen der Technischen Universität Wien Interssierte mit akademischem oder praktischem Hintergrund aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen ein, sich an folgendem call for papers für die zweitägige Konferenz, die im November in Wien stattfinden wird, zu beteiligen:

Public space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe: politics and culture

EUROPEAN CONFERENCE, November 2010, Vienna, Austria

hosted by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (SKuOR) and the City of Vienna Visiting Professor for Urban Culture and Public Space 2010, TU Vienna

European cities are changing rapidly in partial response to the processes of de-industrialization, European integration and economic globalization. Public spaces of these cities, as essential ingredients of the urban image and experience, are increasingly playing an important part in this transition. A key question concerns the role that public spaces are expected to play in political, economic and cultural transformation of cities, and the impact of these transformations on the nature of public space as a shared resource. How are public authorities addressing the challenges of provision and maintenance of public space both as a catalyst for change and as a common good?

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