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Dept. of Publications, andaman, September 3, 2009 at 3:14:25 PM CEST Ethnological Books for Sale Hallo@all I did study ethnology at the LMU in Munich a view years ago. Now I'd like to sell many of my ethnological books. You can buy books either in a bundle or single The books are partly unused, partly quite used ;) (i.e. underlined, coloured with a marker, labelled) und nochmal in deutsch... ...ich verkaufe die folgenden Bücher entweder einzeln oder als Package. Kontaktiert mich einfach, wir finden eine Lösung... If you are interested, write a mail to andaman@onlinehome.deSouth Asia Topics: McKean, Lise (1996): Divine Enterprise. Gurus and the Hindu Nationalist Movement. Chicago: CUP Beals, Alan R. (1962): Gopalpur. A South Indian Village. N.Y./Chicago/Toronto/ London: Holt, Rinehart & Winston Bose, Sugata & Jalal, Ayesha (2004): Nationalism, Democracy and Development. State and Politics in India. Oxford:OUP Das, Veena (1996): Critical Events. An Anthropological Perspective on Contemporary India (Oxford India Paperbacks). Delhi: OUP Das, Veena (ed.) (2001): Remaking a World. Violence, Social Suffering, and Recovery. Berkeley/L.A., CA: CUP Guha, Ranajit (1997). Dominance without Hegemony. History and Power in Colonial India.Cambridge MA/London: Harvard UP Breuilly, John (1982): Nationalism and the State. N.Y.: St. Martin's Press Tambiah, Stanley J. (1996): Leveling Crowds. Ethnonationalist Conflicts and Collective Violence in South Asia Pandey, Gyanendra (1996): The Construction of Communalism in Colonial North India (Oxford India Paperbacks). Delhi/Bombay: OUP Pandey, Gyanendra (2001): Remembering Partitition. Violence, Nationalism and History in India. Cambridge:CUP Nandy, Ashis (2002): Time Warps. Silent and Evasive Pasts in Indian Politics and Religion. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers UP Brass, Paul R. (1991): The Politics of India since Independence. Cambridge: CUP Brass, Paul R. (ed.) (1996): Riots and Pogroms. N.Y.: NYUP Vanaik, Achin (1997). The Furies of Indian Communalism. Religion, Modernity and Secularization. London/N.Y.: Verso Varshney, Ashutosh (2002): Ethnic Conflict and Civic Life. Hindus and Muslims in India. New Haven/London: Yale UP Inden, Ronald B (2000): Imagining India. Bloomington/ Indianapolis: Indiana UP Ludden, David (1996) Contesting the Nation. Religion, Community and the Politics of Democracy in India. Philadelphia: PENN Srinivas, M.N. (1966): Social Change in Modern India. Bombay/Delhi: Allied Publishers Bohannan, Paul (ed.) (1967): Law and Warfare. Studies in the Anthropology of Conflict. Austin/London: TUP Sarkar, Summit (2002): Beyond Nationalist Frames. Relocating Postmodernism, Hindutva, History. Delhi: Permanent Black Sharma, Jyotirmaya (2003). Hindutva. Exploring the Idea of Hindu Nationalism. Delhi: Penguin/Viking Vohra, Ranbir (1997): The Making of India. A historical Survey. N.Y/London: Sharpe Zavos, John (2002): The Emergence of Hindu Nationalism in India (Oxford India Paperbacks). Delhi: OUP Weber, Max (1967). The Religion of India. N.Y.:Free Press Other Fields of Anthropology + (Theory) & SociologyBargatzky, Thomas (1997). Ethnologie. Eine Einführung in die Wissenschaft von den urproduktiven Gesellschaften. Hamburg: Buske Verlag Thiel, Franz J. (1992): Grundbegriffe der Ethnologie.. Berlin: Reimer Kluckhohn, Clyde (1966). Culture and Behavior. N.Y.: Free Press Lowie, Robert H. (1937): The History of Ethnological Theory. N.Y./Chicago/Toronto/London: Holt, Rinehart & Winston Redfield, Robert (1963). The Primitive World and its Transformations. N.Y.: Ithaca Firth, Raymond (1962): Human Types. An Introduction to Social Anthropology. N.Y.: Mentor Books Durkheim, Emile (1997): The Division of Labour in Society (Translated by W.D.Halls). N.Y.: Free Press Durkheim, Emile (2001). The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. A new Translation by Carol Cosman. Oxford: OUP Matthies, Volker (1992): Äthiopien, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti. Das Horn von Afrika. München: C.H. Beck Goody, Jack (ed.) (1971): Kinship. Middlesex: Penguin Bohannan, paul & Plog, Fred (1967): Beyond the Frontier. Social Process and Cultural Change. N.Y.: Natural History Press Leach, Edmund (ed.) (1967). The Structural Study of Myth and Totemism.London: Tavistock Publications Schmied-Kowarzik, Wolfdietrich & Stagl, Justin (Hg.) (1993): Grundfragen der Ethnologie. Beiträge zur gegenwärtigen Diskussion. Berlin: Reimer Hirschberg, Walter (1988): Neues Wörterbuch der Völkerkunde. Berlin: Reimer Feest, Christian F. & Janata, Alfred (1989). Technologie und Ergologie in der Völkerkunde (Band 2). Berlin: Reimer Stocking, George W. (1995): After Tylor. British Social Anthropology 1888 - 1951. Madison, WC: WUP Tax, Sol (ed.) (1973). Horizons of Anthropology. Chicago: Aldine PC Keesing, Roger M. (1975): Kin Groups and Social Structure. N.Y./Chicago/Toronto: Holt, Rinehart & Winston Fischer, Hans (Hg.) (1985): Feldforschungen. Berichte zur Einführung in Probleme und Methoden. Berlin: Reimer Warburg, Aby (1988): Schlangenritual. Ein Reisebericht. Berlin: Wagenbach Clastres, Pierre (1998): Chronicle of the Guayaki Indians. London: faber + faber ... Comment
cruzita, October 27, 2009 at 5:34:58 PM CET
Also mir würde das Wörterbuch interessieren, wieviel?? ... Link ... Comment |
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