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Filmankündigung "Khuda Kay Liye - In The Name Of God" am Dienstag, den 14.07

Die Film AG zeigt am Dienstag, den 14.07.09 um 20.00 s.t. in Raum 1.05:

Khuda Kay Liye - In The Name Of God von Shoain Mansoor Pakistan 2007, 168 min The film is about the difficult situation in which the Pakistanis in particular and the Muslims in general are caught up since 9/11. There is a war going on between the Fundamentalists and the Liberal Muslims. This situation is creating a drift not only between the Western world and the Muslims, but also within the Muslims. The educated and modern Muslims are in a difficult situation because of their approach towards life and their western attire. They are criticized and harassed by the fundamentalists and on the other hand the Western world sees them as potential suspects of terrorism just because of their Muslim names. This paradox is resulting in great suffering for a forward looking Muslim. Above mentioned is the theme of the film "KHUDA KE LIYE" which in English means "IN THE NAME OF GOD". The interesting thing about the film is how it connects the happenings in the three continents. Unlike the usual Indian and Pakistani films based on romantic saga, dances and songs, this film is based on some very serious issues, raising a lot of controversial questions boggling the Muslim minds these days. Written by Hussain Mahmood Quelle:

Aufgrund der Filmlänge beginnen wir pünktlich um 20 Uhr s.t. !

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