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Chat Button

To support the ongoing efforts to establish a chat channel for the users of ethno::log and the students of our institute I added a little button to the right which connects directly to the #ethnonerds channel at using your antville username (in case its a valid chat name). I couldn't make it easier, sorry ;-)


Thanks goes to the people at who keep the server for the web interface. I did a little research on the original script cgi:irc they are using to get this working and I hope it is not a "misuse" of their service that after my little hack this button now directly connects to the freenode server and our channel. I mailed them already.

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kool. Danke kerleone! Eine super Idee!

Also ich werde wieder so oft wie möglich da drin rumhängen (sowie auch in #savageminds) - und jetzt auch endlich mal "offline" Werbung dafür nachen... Würde mich natürlich über den ein oder anderen rum-häng-kollegenIn freuen!
Bei technischen Fragen kann man sich ebenfalls vertrauensvoll an mich wenden...

(and: if its not a valid chat name, you get the notice "please enter a valid nick name" - just click "ok" and your nick changed into an valid nick: how easy!)

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