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internet and academic knowledge production

Tak Watanabe at Savage Minds some days ago posted an entry on using blogs in knowledge production inspired by Aaron A. Fox` website Real Country, which accompanies his recently published ethnographic study Real Country: Music And Language In Working-Class Culture and provides a selection of primary data as there are interview transcripts, audiofiles, pictures, stuff like that. Moreover, Fox installed a blog to get into dialog with his readers: " Welcome to my blog. I'm the author of Real Country: Music and Language in Working-Class Culture, just published by Duke University Press. This is a book about country music ( ... ) as the art of working-class Texans. I've created this blog as a place for readers (and prospective readers) of the book to discuss it, review it, and interact with me. In particular, I'm hoping that students who read this book in classes will feel free to use this blog as a resource." It can be used by other professionals working in similar fields too, despite of possible impact on especially academic knowledge production in general. See also entry at fieldnotes and entry at

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