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Filmankündigung "This Palestinian Life" am 22. Juni Die Film Ag zeigt am 22. Juni um 20 Uhr in Raum E006, LMU HgB: This Palestinian Life von Philip Rizk Ägypten 2009, OmeU, 30 min. ![]() THIS PALESTINIAN LIFE is a film about people who perservere despite the odds stacked against them. The film documents specifically the aspects of perseverance or steadfastness of the Palestinian nonviolent struggle against Israeli occupation and the deliberate, ongoing, illegal annexation of Palestinian land. An Arabic term used for everyday acts of nonviolent resistance is sumoud – steadfastness, perseverance. In the film, Egyptian activist and filmmaker, Philip Rizk, tells the stories of Palestinian villagers who attempt to remain steadfast, to persevere, in the face of settler violence, the injustice and duplicity of the Israeli government, and the ambivalence of the international community. thispalestinianlife.org „What runs right through the film, and what stays with the viewer afterwards, is the Palestinians’ refusal to give up, their steadfast insistence of sumoud – from those promising to rebuild their homes every time the army destroys them, to the declared intent of Abu Sagr in Al-Hadideya that ‘we are staying on our land until they get frustrated and leave us alone’. This Palestinian Life is a beautiful vignette of what perhaps might become in the future, ‘a people’s history of Palestine’.“ Ben White auf palestinechronicle.com ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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