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gieff 2010

The 10th Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival will take place from May 12 to May 16, 2010.

The festival promotes documentary cinema with a special emphasis on new films, videos or interactive media (published after 1.1.2007) dealing with socio-cultural processes in a wide sense of the term. The festival is open to all filmmakers, but especially those coming from anthropology, sociology, folklore and neighbouring disciplines. It provides a great opportunity for international co-operation in Visual Anthropology and documentary filmmaking.

The student film competition is one of the central events of the festival. It starts on Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 pm. The main festival starts Thurday afternoon at 2 pm.

Presentation of Film Awards: Saturday at 7 pm Student's Film Award for the best ethnographic student film Centro Incontri Umani Award Winner given for the best film promoting intercultural understanding in the context of natural disasters or human conflicts

Special topics of the festival are: Coping with Global Changes (Friday afternoon) Cultural Heritage in Focus (Saturday afternoon) Eastern Europe, India, Africa and Latin America

Special event: Symposium: Future Past - Cultural Heritage and Collaborative Ethnographic Film Work

May 15 to May 18

Different examples of collaborative ethnographic film work from various parts of the world will be examined in the context of the contemporary culture heritage discourse. The aim is to achieve a deeper insight into the processes of creating cultural heritage, in using film, and in thus documenting intangible cultural heritage.

Early Bird Registration: 12 th April 2010

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February 2010
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