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Ich werde ein Berliner - 26. City-Special: Munich

"It seems the sole reason for the city of Munich to exist is to make Berlin people feel better about themselves. Whenever a conversation changes topic to the city of Munich, elite German people, without fail, will suddenly become very agitated, especially if they are die-hard Berlin-Mitte fans. At this point, prepare yourself for a thirty-minute lecture on how conservative, clueless, and backwards Munich is, compared to the cradle of creativity, individuality, and edginess, that is Berlin.

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und hier noch ein special tipp:

"What really annoys Berliners is when Munich guys beat them at their own game, for example by becoming the world’s most flamboyant, internationally acclaimed Techno DJ: If a Berlin person ever asks you for your opionion on DJ Hell, say “Oh, you mean that overachieving sell-out who stopped being interesting, like, decades ago? I doubt he's still booked in Berlin, etcetera??”

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