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ETHNOCINECA: call for films

die ETHNOCINECA ist ein in Wien einzigartiges Filmfest zur Auseinandersetzung mit kultur- und sozialanthropologischen Themen im audiovisuellen Kontext.

Für die heurige Veranstaltung sind wir noch auf der Suche nach wertvollen Beiträgen und wollten Sie hiermit einladen den Call for Films an Interessierte weiterzureichen.

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Filmankündigung "Transfiction" am 24.11.09

Die Film Ag zeigt am Dienstag, den 24.11.09 um 20 Uhr in Raum E006, HgB

Transfiction von Johannes Sjöberg, UK 2007, portugiesisch omeU, 58 min.

Transfiction is the working title for a film featuring a group of Brazilian transsexuals and travestis living in São Paulo, and is being filmed between April and September 2006. The film is a part of a practise-based PhD in applied drama and ethnographicfilmmaking at the University of Manchester, UK, called ‘Ethnofiction: genre hybridity in theory and practice-based research’ The ethnofiction is an experimental ethnographic film genre, used as a method for anthropological research and representation. The informants of the ethnographic fieldwork act out their cultural experience in improvisations in front of the camera. These improvisations might reveal cultural aspects that would be hard to find using traditional anthropological research. Also direction and camerawork are improvised. Though the film is a fiction, it is made as an ethnographic documentary film where story and dialogue are created in the moment. Documentary rushes will be used as a complement to the fictive scenes of the film. The ethnofiction originates from the documentary pioneer Robert Flaherty’s films from the 20’ and the 30’. But the French term ‘etnofiction’ was first used by film critics writing about the ethnographic films made in West Africa from the 50’ and onward, by the visual anthropologist Jean Rouch. Flaherty and Rouch’s films have had a great importance for the development of documentary as well as narrative filmmaking. The film Transfiction will be based on a total fifteen months of ethnographic fieldwork. During the production of the film Transfiction transsexuals (males-females) and travestis from the fieldwork in São Paulo, will act out their cultural experiences in front of the camera in improvisations. Even if all of the protagonists of the ethnofiction can be said to represent transsexual and travesti culture in São Paulo, they have very different backgrounds. Some of them are married and live typical Paulista middleclass lives. Others are poor and earn their living as prostitutes. Some of them have gained success as stage artists in the show business of São Paulo. The film also gives some examples of transsexuals and travestis fighting against intolerance and discrimination in the Brazilian society - which is the main theme of the film. Quelle:

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