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Anthropology Conferences Worldwide

Anthropology Conferences Worldwide Upcoming events in anthropology, cultural studies and related fields -> I was quite happy to find this website, it is quite usefull, since they list a lot of different conferences and update webbie regulary.

www.conferencealerts.comConferences' List

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Film::"Das brennende Dorf"

Am Dienstag, 25.01.05, 19.45, Raum 1.05 zeigen wir in der Filmreihe einen ganz besonderen Heimat-Film. Der Regisseur, Philip Vogt, wird anwesend sein und nach dem Film eure Fragen beantworten.

Das brennende Dorf

Dokumentarfilm, 63 min, DV Regie:Ursula Scheid, Philip Vogt

„Heimat ist ein geschützter, kleiner Raum, in dem Menschen sich wohl fühlen sollen.“ Dr.Josef Feldner, Obmann des Kärntner Heimatdienstes

Das Grenzgebiet in Südkärnten, Österreich. Neben der deutschsprachigen Mehrheit lebt hier eine slowenisch sprechende Minderheit. In dem kleinen Dorftheater Trotamora wird auf Slowenisch `Das brennende Dorf´ von Lope de Vega in einer Fassung von R.W.Fassbinder geprobt. Während der Theatermacher mit seiner slowenischsprachigen Laienschauspieltruppe auf der Bühne den Aufstand gegen die Unterdrücker probt, bereiten sich die deutschsprachigen Patrioten vom Kärntner Heimatdienst, vom Abwehrkämpferbund und vom Kameradschaftsbund auf den 10.Oktober vor, ihren nationalen Feiertag. Sie beschwören den Abwehrkampf gegen die Slowenen von 1920, hetzen gegen zweisprachige Schulen und Ortstafeln, sie verteidigen ihre Heimat mit „noch mehr Denkmälern, mit noch mehr Fahnen und Fackeln“ und sie begrüssen ihren Landeshauptmann, Jörg Haider. Dazwischen die katholische Kirche. Heimat beider Sprachen. Trotz der Proteste des Kärntner Heimatdienstes hält sie Gottesdienste, Begräbnisse und Festtage konsequent deutsch und slowenisch ab. Ein Film über den Konflikt um Heimat und Identität, Unterdrückung und Macht. Im Theater und in der Wirklichkeit.

Der Film wurde auch auf dem Dokumentarfilmfestival München 2004 gezeigt.

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Summer School: New trends on the anthropology of Southern Europe,Lecce Italy

The University of Lecce is pleased to announce the first International Summer School in anthropology to be held in Apulia (Puglia), southern Italy.

In the current era when a thorough understanding of cultural and local differences is the only means to avoid dangerous generalizations, clichés and intolerance, we feel the need to offer an opportunity to experience “learning in the field”. It is our belief that southern Italy constitutes an appropriate venue for discussing in loco issues relating to various fields of contemporary anthropology, such as the changing moral and social role of Christianity, the impact of globalization and mass tourism on religious rituals and festivals, material culture and the revival of a “southern identity”.

Participants will be able to test the applicability of theoretical methods in the field and discuss them with scholars who live and work in everyday contact with these phenomena. This approach will offer up a lively perspective on anthropology, with a strong emphasis on communication and interaction between students and lecturers as well as students and locals.

Instructors at the Summer School will mostly (and not only) include teachers of anthropology in southern Italian academic institutions and local researchers. This is intended to provide a real "emic" perspective to the school activities.

The language of the Summer School will be English. Applications are welcome from students and scholars working on anthropology, Mediterranean studies, religion and other themes in the social and cultural anthropology of Europe. Applicants should be interested in theoretical and methodological issues and in comparative approaches.

The course will last 10 days. The seminars will cover several topics in the field of the anthropology of Southern Europe and especially the specific ethnographic case of southern Italy.

The structure of the Summer School is based on two types of sessions: theory and practice. Theoretical sessions will usually take place in the morning, while the afternoons will be devoted to field trips, excursions and practical sessions. This approach is intended to enable participants to take an active part in the program and observe first-hand some of the problems and phenomena discussed in the course.

Information on the school can be found at: Applications are due by April 15.

More info from: Davide Torsello, PhD University of Lecce Italy

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TALKING OBJECTS - conference

A One-Day Conference supported by:

                    The Humanities Institute of Ireland

                    Department of Archaeology, UCD

                    Anthropological Association of Ireland


Interdisciplinary Approaches to Material Culture Studies Thursday 31st March 2005 University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Room 326, Engineering Building, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4

Material Culture is currently one of the most provocative interdisciplinary fields in the social sciences and humanities. Different disciplines are developing many ways of looking at human cultures and societies through objects and artefacts. This conference aims to promote cross-disciplinary material culture studies in Ireland by bringing together a number of invited international speakers from anthropology, archaeology and museum studies to talk about their current work. The day will comprise seven papers and a discussion session on interdisciplinary approaches, starting with coffee and registration at 9.30am. Speakers will include:

Victor Buchli, Department of Anthropology, University College London Chris Fowler, School of Historical Studies, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Inge Daniels, Royal College of Art, London Elizabeth Crooke, Academy of Irish Cultural Heritages, University of Ulster Kevin Hetherington, The Open University

To register, please send your name, institutional affiliation and contact details to one of the organisers:

Adam Drazin, Trinity College Dublin Sociology ( Joanna Brück, University College Dublin Archaeology ( Pauline Garvey, NUI Maynooth Anthropology (

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Images of Race

Ross Woodrow and The University of Newcastle writes: This site contains material related to my research interest in racial images in general and more specifically, racial images in the Australian popular press of the nineteenth century. My earlier postgraduate research focused on the influence of Charles Darwin's writing on popular racial images. Section one contains Tutorials directly related to the subject Analysis of the Visual Image which I teach as an elective subject in Bachelor of Fine Art course at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Section two is a developing archive of racial images from nineteenth-century Australia. This second section will obviously have a much wider application since many of these images are not available elsewhere. Some have never been reproduced outside of their original publication in the nineteenth century. Via Cartoonist

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