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AnthroSource: Designing a portal for anthropologists. Abstract: "This paper investigates the information needs of anthropologists to inform the design of a portal, AnthroSource. AnthroSource will digitize the publications of the American Anthropological Association and provide services for anthropologists and others who use anthropological materials."

"We found that anthropologists desire a portal that provides greater context for interpreting anthropological materials, an assessment of credibility of sources and a place to build community." -- Well, we wanted the Ethno::log to be something like that; of course not on THAT grand a scale, obviously.

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Calculating Kinship

Michael D. Fischer's comprehensive and well-documented website Representing Anthropological Knowledge: Calculating Kinship may help students and others to cope with kinship in anthropology: "Kinship is one of the more important, pervasive and complex systems of culture. All human groups have a kinship terminology, a set of terms used to refer to kin. Many parts of life in all societies are impacted by kinship, and in most societies kinship relations influence things like who one can and can not marry, who one must show respect to, who one can joke with, and who one can count on in a crisis. The study of kinship is the greatest common denominator across the different fractions of social anthropology. [...] This unit introduces how we can use computers to address some of the issues that emerge from the complexity of kinship-related information and anthropological ideas about these." See an older story about an online kinship-tutorial, too.

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Praktikant/in dringend gesucht!

Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker in Göttingen bietet ab sofort einen Praktikumsplatz im Aktionsreferat an. Hier werden unter Anderem medienwirksame Aktionen vorberereitet und durchgeführt; das Praktikum soll 2 bis 3 Monate dauern. Weitere Informationen gibt es auf der website der GfbV oder auf e-mail Anfrage an: aktionen[at]

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