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Sexuality, Culture, and Society

The 8th Summer Institute will take place from June 27- July 22, 2004.
We hereby present the 2004 programme of the Summer Institute on Sexuality, Culture, and Society organised by the Universiteit of Amsterdam. Participate in courses, seminars and dialogues in Amsterdam on the cultural and social dimensions of human sexuality. Scientific directors are: Carole Vance and Han ten Brummelhuis. This years faculty: Alice Miller, Stefan Dudink, Radhika Chandiramani, Oliver Phillips, Geetanjali Misra, Sea Ling Cheng, Marieke van Doorninck and Mirjam Schieveld. The Summer Institute is an intensive four-week summer program which focuses on the study of sexuality across cultures and is taught by an international faculty team. This highly specialised programme is for advanced students, primarily Ph.D. and MA students in the socio-cultural sciences and professionals working for NGO's. The institute was founded in 1995 since then students from more than thirty countries have participated in our courses. Nearly a quarter of the participants have been professionals working for NGO's. The other participants came from such diverse educational backgrounds as the social sciences (anthropology, sociology), psychology, women's studies, history, public health and human sexuality studies. Statements of former students can be found on the website. We expect a 2004 class of approximately 30 students. The Institute's classes are intensive small group seminars, with discussions, lectures and guest lectures by prominent people in the field. Applications must be addressed to the Universiteit van Amsterdam at the below address. You can visit our web-site for an application form. Please feel free to share this information.

Sincerely yours,
Mirjam Schieveld
Programme manager
Summer Institute on Sexuality, Culture, and Society
International School for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Postal address
P.O. Box 26
1000 AA Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Visiting address
Prins Hendrikkade 189-B
The Netherlands
phone: +31 20 525.3776
fax: +31 20 525.3778
E-mail website

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