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HaidaBucks defeats Starbucks !

Anyone knows the famous Starbucks Café. But did you also know that a great remaining Indian tribe in Northwest Canada - the Haida - lanced a café in the past under the name of "HaidaBucks" meaning nothing more than "Haida Nation Men". Starbucks started a David-vs.-Goliath-like jurisdiction fight about their brand, but as reported today in German newspapers, "Starbucks considers this matter closed" - finally! A great triumph for the Haida is complete, as they point it out on their own Homepage...

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Ibrahima Coulibaly in Cancún

Ibrahim Coulibaly is a cotton-framer from Mali and one of the African representatives at the WTO Conference in Cancún. The Süddeutsche Zeitung reports in an interesting and large article about his problematic situation within a steady growing globalized world.

For the latest update to the WTO Conference there's another part talking about the latest tragedy of another representative of farmers from South Corea who killed himself as protest in front of Cancún's Conference doors. As a result all NGOs where dismissed from the regular press conference!

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