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Belong the Latin American Indians to the Axis of Evil?

Is the american government trying to tighten control over latin america while making believe, the leftist indigenus movements are a possible source for terrorism? At least this muslim news site is reporting about that: "Washington’s plan is to "economically and militarily wipe out the social and indigenous movements in order to obtain their resources and territories," says Bolivian Congressman Evo Morales, echoing a view popular in the region. "The undercurrent of these plans is the same program as has been going on for the last 500 years—the eradication of our indigenous cultures," he said."

Or are just the muslim forces in latin america trying to use the already present antiamericanism to force their presence in this part of the world?

Anyway, a interesting struggle between different cultures and religions. Has anybody more information or thoughts?

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UN Recommends Census for Pygmies

The secretary-general of the Commission Nationale pour l'Unesco (CNUNESCO), Abel Koulaninga, told on Friday on a conference in Bangui, that a census of pygmies was vital to allow the planning of activities aimed at their integration, reports this UN news page.

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Bollywood Films in the Goethe-Forum in Munich

Saturday, 24th May 2003, time 20.00 to 03.00, the Goethe-Forum of the Goethe Institute, Inter Nationes, Dachauer Strasse, near Leonrodplatz, Munich, invites to


20.15 Indian Dance 20.45 Film "Devadas" 00.00 Indian Dance 0.30 Surprise-Film

Devadas: One of the most beautiful films of Bollywood, at the same time the most expensive film ever produced in India, 35mm, 195min.. Direction: Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Main actress: Aishwarya Rai (Miss Universe 1994). This film was proposed for an Oscar award.

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Science Consult Sabine Vetter, Weilheim

A former student of our institute, Dr. Sabine Vetter, after publishing her thesis, Wissenschaftlicher Reduktionismus und die Rassentheorie von Christoph Meiners : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der verlorenen Metaphysik in der Anthropologie. Diss. Univ. München, Philos. Fak. für Kulturwissenschaften, Achen und Mainz 1997, 259 S. ISBN-ISSN-ISMN : 3-89653-230-8, actually is presiding the following Science Consult, founded by herself: link zu Sabine Vetter - Science Consult

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AK Feldforschung - Fieldwork’s in the air!

In order to tackle some of the practical aspects of fieldwork and anthropological research, students at the Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikanistik (Munich) have come up with the Working Group on Fieldwork (ArbeitsKreis Feldforschung). Since its creation in October 2002, the AKFeldforschung holds regular sessions dealing with fieldwork techniques, planning, analysis, introspection, etc.. For those participating it leaves plenty room for debating and discussing ‘field issues’ – with students having gained none or first fieldwork experiences. As well, doctoral candidates and some of the Institute’s staff members regularly attend the AK meetings and contribute to it as ‘fieldwork experts’.

Look up this semester’s appealing Programme (application/msword, 28 KB) and join!

The AKFeldforschung usually meets at the Institute on Thursdays at 15 o’clock. Contact us at

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