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Internet-Kids in Peru

I found a interesting amateur film doku about two kids in peru, who earn their money at a central place in cusco by selling postcards to tourists and after that spend the money to internet cafes, writing e-mails and playing starcraft. The article (scroll down to the entry "Feeding the Wired") provides also some links to internet use in peru.

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Catalogue on the History of Printing in the Middle East

HANEBUTT-BENZ, EVA, DAGMAR GLASS, GEOFFREY ROPER AND THEO SMETS (eds.). 2002. Sprachen des Nahen Ostens und die Druckrevolution: eine interkulturelle Begegnung. Middle Eastern languages and the print revolution: a cross-cultural encounter. Westhofen: WVA-Verlag Skulima [ISBN: 3-936136-02-5; Price: € 128.-]

This fully illustrated catalogue and collection of essays covers in some detail an important aspect of Middle Eastern history, and of the history of printing and publishing, which has not previously received the attention which it merits. The transition from manuscript to print culture in the languages and countries of the Middle East was as significant and as far-reaching in its effects as the equivalent shift in early modern Europe. Read more

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Study on Kurdish Women in Germany

We have started a biographical narrative research on three/two generations of Kurdish immigrant women in Germany. Our informants are usually Kurdish women who immigrated from Turkey to Germany. In a broad sense, we are interested in analyzing how Kurdish immigrant women's identity has changed over generations in Germany. We have two major requests. Can you recommend us

  1. similar research projects and publications about Kurdish immigrant women in Europe, if possible in Germany?
  2. research funding agencies, specifically on our research area?

Best regards, Gokce Yurdakul, University of Toronto, and Sabiha Banu Yalkut, Freie Universitaet zu Berlin

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Mediterranean Programme Meeting in Florence 2004

Scholars are warmly invited to send applications to run a workshop at the Fifth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting which will be held in Florence and Montecatini Terme, 24 - 28 March, 2004. Deadline for applications is 6 January 2003. Applications should be sent by e-mail More information on the 5th Meeting.

We would like to draw your attention to the NEW web pages of the Mediterranean Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies: Fourth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting (19-23 March 2003) Fifth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting (24-28 March 2004)

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Conference "Visualising Paradise: The Mediterranean"

Leeds, 14-16 January 2004. This three-day international conference encourages comparative and multi-disciplinary papers on issues of landscape, place identity and cultural representation within past and present Mediterranean contexts. We invite discussion about the portrayal of Mediterranean identities in relation to broader social, economic, technological and ideological circumstances. We hope to explore how perceptions and meanings occur, circulate and inform the understanding of cultural identity, travel encounters and experience. Offers of papers/presentations in English are invited on any of the following areas in Mediterranean contexts: Tourism and the imagination: travel, art, literary and cultural encounters Places, spaces and gender: landscapes, representations and visual politics Festivals, food and wine: performance, spectacle and consuming passions Public histories, policies and politics: knowledge, perception and intercultural relations Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2003. Further information: More info

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BRISMES Annual Conference: ”Education as a Force for Change?”

Exeter, 12-15 July 2003. The theme of this conference interprets 'education' in a broad sense, encompassing the humanities and social/political science. 'Education' as a means to pro-mote understanding in 'the west' will also be considered, in addition to its role in the management of conflict and conflict resolution.

We are calling for papers that represent education in its many forms from the medieval period up to the present. It is envisaged that the following themes will form the core of the conference, but papers on other topics, which may not necessarily be covered by the themes, are encouraged and will also be considered: Literature Conflict Resolution Politics History Economy Educational Reform and Reformers Systems/Institutions Culture Society International Relations Middle East / West Gender Islam perceptions Ethnic & religious diversity Language Current educational trends Transmission of knowledge Religious education

Names of possible panel organizers and further sug-gestions for panels are invited. Student panels are also welcome. Those intending to present papers or pro-pose panels should submit proposals and abstracts no later than 15 January 2003. The conference theme will be addressed through a range of plenary debates which seek to highlight the role education has played and may perform in the future. Additional events include a book exhibition, conference dinner and the BRISMES Annual General Meeting.

For further information, please contact: Dr Gareth Stansfield, IAIS, University of Exeter, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX3 0ND, UK BRISMES website

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Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences

Honolulu, 12-15 June, 2003. The conference will provide many opportunities for academicians and professionals from social sciences and related fields to interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines.

Topic Areas (All Areas of Social Sciences are Invited): *Anthropology *Area Studies (African, American, Asian, European, Hispanic, Islamic, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Russian, Women's and all other areas of cultural and ethnic studies) *Communication *Economics *Ethnic Studies/ International Studies *Geography *International Relations *Journalism *Political Science *Psychology *Public Administration *Sociology *Urban and Regional Planning *Women's studies *Other Areas of Social Sciences *Cross-disciplinary areas of the above related to each other or other areas.

The Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences encourages papers/abstracts/submissions for any of the listed areas of Social Sciences: Deadline for submissions: January 16, 2003. More info

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GMSG's first annual meeting

The schedule of the first annual meeting of the "Gesellschaft Muslimischer Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler" (GMSG) is near its completion. The meeting will take place in Cologne, Germany (25.-26. January 2003). More info

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Update: Social an Genetic Race Differs

We already reported about the brazilian study, now also the german net magazine about this topic and has some more links to other scientific research in this field. Rassenmerkmale sind wie modische Kleider, weil der Phänotyp des Menschen als soziales Konstrukt benutzt wird und nicht mit der wahren Herkunft übereinstimmt. [<a href="more...]

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Friday's Fascinating Photograph from Fieldwork

Christmas Camp from Theodor Koch-Grüneberg, somewhere in northwest brazil From Theodor Koch-Grüneberg, "Zwei Jahre bei den Indianern Nordwest-Brasiliens", p. XIII.
I you find a fascinating picture, please send me the picture or the name of the book where it is printed.

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China Closes 3,300 Internet Cafes

China has closed more than 3,300 Internet cafes in a safety crackdown launched after a fire in June at a Beijing cafe killed 25 people, the official Xinhua News Agency says. Wired reports

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