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Poste CNRS affecté ou en détachement CEDEJ (Egypte-Soudan)

Le Centre d'Etudes et de Documentation Economiques, Juridiques, et Sociales, Centre français de recherche établi au Caire et Unité de Recherche Associée (URA 1165) CNRS, MAE peut recevoir des personnels CNRS en affectation ou des personnels universitaires (professeurs ou maitres de conférence) de catégorie A en détachement, en qualité de chercheur associé au CNRS, pour une durée d'un an éventuellement renouvelable. Le CEDEJ serait heureux, à ce titre recevoir un ou deux chercheurs. La mission de recherche du CEDEJ consiste en un développement des savoirs sur l'Egypte et le Soudan contemporain dans leurs dimensions sociales,politiques, et économiques, et dans leurs relations avec les autres pays de la région.Les axes privilégiés sonr : les études historiques et juridiques, la sociologie politique, l'analyse du développement économique, les changements liés à l'urbanisation. Les dossiers de candidatures sont accessibles sur le site we du CNRS. Ils peuvent également être retirés dans les délégations du CNRS. Merci de nous faire également parvenir une copie de votre dossier de candidature. La date limite de dépôt des dossiers dans les délégations du CNRS est fixée au Vendredi 20 Decembre 2002. Via DAVO

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Lectureship in Arab/Islamic Diaspora Studies, University of Edinburgh

You will spearhead the development of courses on Arab or Islamic diasporas in Europe or the Americas at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. If your interests are in the social, political, religious or cultural life of Arab or Islamic diasporas you are welcome to apply. Knowledge of Arabic or another Middle Eastern language and the ability to teach it are essential. Salary scale: L22,191 - L25,451 p.a. Please quote Ref: 312009 Closing date: 17 January 2003. Full details here and here. Via DAVO

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Internship - European Rim Policy and Investment Council,

The European Rim Policy and Investment Council (ERPIC), with headquarters in Larnaca, Cyprus is looking for a single intern to begin work this spring. The intern, who will commence work on 1st March 2003, for a six month period, will work as an assistant on the academic/professional projects undertaken, during the course of their internship, by ERPIC. ERPIC's main focus of interest is in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. The successful candidate will be expected to work at ERPIC's headquarters for 40 hours per week. ERPIC will provide accommodation for the intern free of charge. The successful candidate will be expected to have a very good knowledge of the English language and should be able to demonstrate completion of their Bachelor degree studies. Applicants must send a copy of their CV by e-mail to Dr Tim Potier, no later than Friday 17th January 2003. ERPIC website Via DAVO

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Full Professorship in Iranian Languages and Culture, Uppsala University

To be eligible for this professorship applicants are required to possess scholarly qualifications in Iranian languages. The prospective holder of the chair should be able to document scholarly achievements of a linguistic or an interpretative philological nature in New Persian and at least one additional Iranian language. Deadline for applications: 24 January 2003 Information regarding the professorship will be given by the Head of Department of Asian and African Language, Professor Bo Isaksson. Via DAVO

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Melcom International's 25th Annual Conference

The European Association of Middle East Librarians: Melcom International's 25th Annual Conference, Beirut, 26-28 May 2003. Melcom's hosts and local organizers are this year: Orient-Institut der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft Bibliothèque Orientale and Université Saint Joseph, Wolf-Dieter Lemke, head of library Dina Banna, Librarian May Semaan-Seigneurie, directrice. There will be no special theme for the conference, though one section should deal with the library situation in Lebanon. There is a call for papers in the following usual categories:

  • Acquisition policies and practices
  • Manuscript studies and rare material collections
  • Cataloguing policies and practices
  • Libraries and new technologies. A first programme and more details will be circulated as soon as possible, but only to those who will have stated their interest, please keep this in mind. In order to register, send an e-mail both to the MELCOM secretary, and to Dina Banna, OIDMG ) before end of January 2003. Melcom website Via DAVO

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German Colonial Picture Archive

About 50.000 pictures should be included in the online acessible archive of the Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft (German Colonial Association). You can already browse a lot of pictures in their database, mainly from africa and asia. Sadly that the digital pictures, made from already low quality photographs, have very low quality itself. Via Monolog

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The downfall of the Xkipché

Abrupt endete die Hochkultur der Maya im Tiefland Yukatans. Krieg oder Klimawandel? Noch heute rätseln Archäologen, warum blühende Städte plötzlich verfielen. In the current volume (12/02) of "Spektrum der Wissenschaft" is an article about the downfall of the Xkipché in Mexico (sadly not online). They also name some links: Insitut für Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie der Uni Bonn Archäologie online Early Monumental Architecture Lonely Planet Mexico MAYA ARCHAEOLOGY AT MINANHÁ

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