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New Studies about Ancient Nasca Culture

The scientific news service Eureka reports about two new books about the peruvian nasca culture from US-anthropologist Helaine Silverman: In her book, the first extended study of the ancient Nasca sites in what today is southern Peru, Helaine Silverman combines field research with postmodernist theory to illuminate the Nasca people's "social construction of space and cultural meaning" through their manipulation of natural settings and creation of built environments. Throughout, she challenges current anthropological theories and practices. Via Anthropology in the News

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Bavaria and the Moor

The Süddeutsche Zeitung reports about a exhibition in the museum of the diocese Freising. As you can read there, the exhibition is not only about how the moor came into the emblem of freising, it's also generally about the sometimes shaming concept the europeans had from the africans.

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Intercultural Communications in the Diaspora

A new german book on intercultural communications. By support of FORAREA (see older story) it was possible to publish the 13th volume of the "Münchner Beiträge zur Interkulturellen Kommunikation":

MOOSMÜLLER, ALOIS (Ed.). 2002. Interkulturelle Kommunikation in der Diaspora: Die kulturelle Gestaltung von Lebens- und Arbeitswelten in der Diaspora. Münster, New York, München, Berlin:Waxmann. [ISBN: 3-8309-1226-9]

You can find a list and abstracts of all volumes of this series on intercultural communications here. In german.

The 14th volume will be published in 2003:

ROTH, KLAUS (Ed.). 2003. Vom Handwerksgesellen zum "Green Card"-Spezialisten: Interkulturelle Aspekte der Arbeitsmigration im östlichen Mitteleuropa. Münster, New York, München, Berlin:Waxmann. [ISBN: 3-8309-1232-3]

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Africanists' online resources

The Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB) of Basel (Switzerland) maintain an english-language website with classified links to resources interesting for Africanists. Among the categories there are African Studies Center and Research, which represent a well-sorted link-collection for every Africanist.

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The current newsletter of the German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO) has just arrived. It comprises information on:

  1. Six Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
  2. MA Program, Central Asia/Caucasus, Humboldt-University, Berlin
  3. Postes à pourvoir à Beyrouth (IFPO-CERMOC)
  4. Workshop: "Re-evaluating Urban Heritage: Documentation, Rehabilitation and Preservation of Architecture and History", Tripoli, 11 - 14 December 2002
  5. Workshop: "Negotiating Power, Contesting Violence, and Assessing Perspectives for Transcultural Approaches: Gender and Nation State in Muslim Societies", Oldenburg, 12 - 14 December 2002 [See older story at Ethno::log ;o) ]
  6. Short Course: "Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Ethical Issues in Humanitarian Assistance", American University Cairo, 28 December 2002 - 2 January 2003
  7. Seminar on Central Asia and Caucasus: "Prospects of Security and Cooperation in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Iran, Regional Countries and the Trans-Regional Powers", Tehran, 20 - 21 January 2003
  8. International Conference on Policy Modeling, Istanbul, 3 - 5 July 2003 Read more ...

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Handbook of Ethnotherapies

Ethnomed (see older story) recently has published the Handbook of Ethnotherapies: "In the Handbook of Ethnotherapies we find various healing methods. Healers and shamans from distant countries lead us back into our own European past and carry us off geographically into other, non-European countries. We discover that natural, alternative healing methods, that developed through the past decades, are alive. And we also discover that other cultures have entirely different diagnoses and healing methods and different definitions of disease and health, than we do." [p. 17]

GOTTSCHALK-BATSCHKUS, CHRISTINE E. AND JOY C. GREEN (Eds.). 2002. Handbuch der Ethnotherapien. Handbook of Ethnotherapies. Hamburg: BoD, Ethnomed. [ISBN: 3-8311-4184-3]

The Handbook is both in english and german, comprises 554 pages and indices. Its prize is 49.90 Euros. Send your orders directly to Ethnomed.

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Software and Human Rights

At is an article about an interview with Richard Stallman, a important free software guru, and the BBC. He says, that every time you buy software from companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Sun and Adobe you hand over much more than just money, you also give up basic freedoms and human rights. At the heise article are also information and links to the effects of Bill Gates' visit to india on the Open Source Movement of Bangalore/India.

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ethnomed"Ethnomed, the Institute for Ethnomedecine, is a network of over 5000 international scientists, researchers, practitioners, societies, and traditional healers. Ethnomed coordinates events, publications, and contacts worldwide. Ethnomed provides informations about publications, media contacts, research contacts, and an event calendar." Ethnomed publishes a newsletter which will be send either by e-mail, snail-mail or both. On their website the Newsletter can be ordered for free. Older newsletters, proceedings of their conferences, informations on conferences that will take place, a publications list, and more can be read there, too -- both in German and English.

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