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The Very Modern Prince of Tonga

A marvellously written reportage about the prince of the island Tonga, who is not only a mambo-dancer, a collector of japanese art and founder of a brewery, but also a irrepressible cybervisionary of the South Pacific: He's bent on bringing his country into the brotherhood of first- world nations and reversing its growing reputation for blundering. His strategy is to expose government-held monopolies to competition while arming Tonga with a satellite communications network that will allow back-office outsourcing to the country and create investment opportunities to rival Singapore's. With his new venture, Tonfön, the prince has staked $15 million of his own money on the belief that free-market competition and a fast Internet connection can transform his country. If he's right, Tonga could become a model for resource-challenged nations everywhere. If he's wrong, it will just confirm what many people already believe: Tonga is the sucker of the South Pacific. Read more at Wired

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Geert Lovink: Dark Fiber

Geert Lovink, a Amsterdam Writer, Journalist and early net critic, published a new book about the post-doctcom-internet: Dark Fiber: Tracking Critical Internet Culture (Electronic Culture: History, Theory, and Practice). MIT Press, 2002 From the press release: Dark Fiber starts when the party is over, in the post-dotcom recession era. Ignoring the libertarian culture of blame, which accuses both the government and 'the market' for the tech wreck, it sets out on a critical examination of actual Internet culture. After a good laugh about the absurd dotgone business plans it is better to prepare for tough battles to come. There is little time for post-bubble cynicism. Internet wars are on the rise. Fights over intellectual property, domain names, repressive legislation, corporate monopolies and censorship are just about to begin. The future will not merely be technological. This study argues that in order to understand and participate in the fight over the Internet a form of 'cultural competence' is required. Cultural competence is required! Now this is good news for cultural anhropologists, isn't it? Via purse lip square jaw

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Gay in Bombay

Online gathering places provide safe harbor for India's gays. But they may prevent some people from coming out, writes It's also about the problems of "Cyber-Aktivism".

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The Cult of Mac

There are 25 million people around the world who use Macintosh computers, according to Apple. But unlike ordinary personal computers, people don't simply use Macs, they become fans. They develop a passion for the machines, which can sometimes turn into an obsession. (...) The biannual Macworld conference is often compared to a religious revival meeting, where Steve Jobs is worshipped like a rock star, or a charismatic cult leader.", writes Wired.

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Summit of the Indigenous Woman of the Americas

It's the first summit of this kind and it's held these days in Oaxaca, Mexiko. The topics are:

  • Human Rights an Indigenous Rights
  • Indigenous Development and Globalization
  • Empowerment and Indigenous Participation
  • Spirituality, Education an Culture
  • Gender From The Indigenous Women?s Perspective Nobel Peace Prize winner and Guatemalan activist Rigoberta Menchú Tum is participating, bringing a level of notoriety to a population often characterized more by its invisibility than its presence. The San Antonio News are reporting. I have trouble judging the importance of the summit and the organizations behind it. There are'nt reports from serious media. Maybe someone knowing more can take a look at the organizations behind it and judge the event? Informations (german) about Menchú Tum.

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