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Scanned Travel Literature Online The Göttinger Digitalisierungs Zentrum has a huge archive of scanned travel literature from all over the world, but especially for North America. You can find there a lot of anthropologically interesting material in different languages about cultural contacts between indigenous people and all kinds of travellers. A well known example could be Las Casas report about the Destroying of the Indian Population (from 1552) and a not so well known example Balduin Möllhausens Journal of a Journey from Mississippi to the coast of the south seas (1858). Via Netbib ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment Dept. of cyberethnologica, kerlone, November 25, 2002 at 10:59:42 AM CET Wired: Science and Religion The probably most important technocultural magazine of the internet, Wired, has a cluster of articles about Science and Religion in their actual monthly magazine (which you can buy also as printed issue). The main statement seems to be, that in our society religion and science aren't antipodal anymore. I didn't read it yet, but I think I have to. If the most important technocultural magazine is approaching religion, it's definitely important. There's already heavy discussion in other parts of the net. ... Link (1 comment) ... Comment |
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