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Interview with the God of the Web

The inventor of the Web, Tim Berners-Lee was a 1 November guest on National Public Radio (NPR) Talk of the Nation: Science Friday. Host Ira Flatow and callers from the United States discussed inventions, the Semantic Web, privacy, patents, broadband, "always on" connections, openness, trust, and spam. NPR provides a three-quarter hour audio archive of the show, as well as Mr. Berners-Lee's previous visit to Science Friday in 1999. Berners-Lee is still a important personality, having some influence on the development of the technology and the standards of the internet. Via

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TCPA - The Death Of Internet As We Know It ?

Today I was at a friend's and he told me about TCPA and a part of the new Microsoft OS, Palladium. TCPA isa plan of big companies that links hardware, software, and data into a neat package that allegedly is more secure and convenient for users. Or, putting it in simpler terms, it's Microsoft's answer to fixing everything that's wrong with computing today. This changes, if made true, will have an immense impact on the current way we use our computer. And it's also an attack to the GPL (General Public License - a form of Open Source Software) as the first article shows. So - and thats an really interesting cyberethnological aspect - it's an provocation to the ethical elite of the ICT-World. The Open Source people, the Open Information people, the hackers, the privacy defenders, all of them will probably attack this strategies and will offer alternative solutions - if they can. Which way the consumer will go? Which force is stronger? Here are the three links, which I read and afterwards I was really shocked. Unfortunatelly the first link is in german.

Der versiegelte PC TCPA/Palladium FAQ 1.0 - english Preparing For The Digital Dark Age

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