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The latest newsletter sent to me by DAVO (see older story) features the following items of interest:

  1. Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in Religionswiss. Univ. Erfurt (job opportunity)
  2. DAVO-Kongress 2003, Hamburg, 20.-22. November 2003 (event)
  3. DAVO-Kongress 2004 / 29. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Halle, 20.-24. September 2004 (event)
  4. BRISMES Annual Conference: "Education as a Force for Change?" Exeter,12-15 July 2003 (event)
  5. Congrès AFEMAM 2003: "La construction des savoirs sur les mondes musulmans" Paris, 2-4 juillet 2003(event)
  6. Séminaire Doctoral du GDR International EMMA: "Economies de la Méditerranée et du Monde Arabe" Paris, 20-21 mars 2003 (event)
  7. Tenth Annual Conference of the Economic Research Forum (ERF), Cairo, 16-18 December 2003 (event)
  8. Research Officer, German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany (job opportunity) Read the details here ...

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1. Stellenausschreibung: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in Religionswiss. Univ. Erfurt
An der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Erfurt, Professur für Religionswissenschaft (Islam), ist zum 1. April 2003 befristet auf zwei Jahre eine halbe Stelle zu besetzen:
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Verg.-gr. IIa BAT-O, Kennziffer 4/2003
Der/die Bewerber/in sollte ein Studium der Religions- oder Islamwissenschaft abgeschlossen haben. Breit gefächerte Kenntnisse der islamischen Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte werden vorausgesetzt. Ein Schwerpunkt des bisherigen Interesses sollte auf der Beschäftigung mit dem Themenkreis "Islamische Religionserziehung in Europa" gelegen haben. Darüber hinaus sind sehr gute Kenntnisse in mindestens einer Islamsprache erforderlich. Von dem/der Bewerber/in wird neben Lehre und Forschung auch organisatorische Mitarbeit
am Lehrstuhl erwartet. Bewerbungen von Frauen werden begrüßt, Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt. Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Zeugniskopien, Lebenslauf, Schriftenverzeichnis,
Darstellung des wissenschaftlichen Werdegangs) sind bis zum 31. Januar 2003 zu richten an:
Prof. Dr. Jamal Malik, Universität Erfurt, Philosophische Fakultät Lehrstuhl Islamwissenschaft, LG 4/E06 Nordhäuser Str. 63, 99089 Erfurt

2. DAVO-Kongress 2003, Hamburg, 20.-22. November 2003
Der Jahreskongress der DAVO 2003 wird vom Deutschen Orient-Institut in Hamburg unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Udo Steinbach organisiert. Tagungsort ist das "Haus Rissen".
Weitere Informationen ab Ende Januar unter

3. DAVO-Kongress 2004 / 29. Deutscher Orientalistentag Halle, 20.-24. September 2004
Der Jahreskongress der DAVO 2004 findet im Rahmen des 29. Deutschen Orientalistentages unter der Leitung von Prof. Jürgen Paul an der Universität Halle statt. Weitere Informationen unter:

4. BRISMES Annual Conference: "Education as a Force for Change?" Exeter,12-15 July 2003
The theme of this conference interprets 'education' in a broad sense, encompassing the humanities and social/political science. 'Education' as a means to promote understanding in 'the west' will also be considered, in addition to its role in the management of conflict and conflict resolution. We are calling for papers that represent education in its many forms from the medieval period up to the present.
It is envisaged that the following themes will form the core of the conference, but papers on other topics, which may not nec-essarily be covered by the themes, are encouraged and will also be considered:
Literature, Conflict Resolution, Politics, History, Economy, Educational Reform and Reformers Systems/Institutions, Culture, Society, International Relations Middle East/West, Gender, Islam perceptions, Ethnic & religious diversity, Language, Current educational trends, Transmission of knowledge, Religious education.
Names of possible panel organizers and further suggestions for panels are invited. Student panels are also welcome.
The conference theme will be addressed through a range of plenary debates which seek to highlight the role education has played and may perform in the future. Additional events include a book exhibition, conference dinner and the BRISMES Annual General Meeting.
Deadline for submission: 15 January 2003.
For further information: Dr Gareth Stansfield, IAIS, University of Exeter, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX3 0ND, UK, Email:;

5. Congrès AFEMAM 2003: "La construction des savoirs sur les mondes musulmans" Paris, 2-4 juillet 2003
Ce thème touche tous les domaines du savoir. On s'interrogera sur le rapport aux terrains, la construction des objets, la structuration des disciplines et le rôle des institutions. La réflexion portera aussi sur les politiques de recherche. Le 3 juillet, une Table Ronde organisée par Thierry Bianquis, responsable de l'édition française de la seconde édition de l'Encyclopédie de l'islam et qui sera accueillie par Gilles Veinstein au Collège de France sera consacrée à une réflexion sur les éditions de cette Encyclopédie à l'occasion de la fin de la seconde édition.
Vous êtes invités à faire des propositions d'atelier ou de communication libre portant sur le thème du Congrès avant le 30 mars 2003. Information sur le site

6. Séminaire Doctoral du GDR International EMMA: "Economies de la Méditerranée et du Monde Arabe" Paris, 20-21 mars 2003
Organisé l'ADIS, Faculté Jean Monnet, Université de Paris Sud, Sceaux. L'objectif de ce séminaire est de permettre à des étudiants en thèse d'exposer leur problématique, en dehors du centre de recherche où est menée à bien cette thèse, afin de pouvoir bénéficier d'un regard et de commentaires extérieurs de rapporteurs qui ont lu préalablement le texte soumis par chaque doctorant. Les journées 2003 seront organisées autour du thème général des Economies de la Méditerranée et du Monde Arabe (EMMA) et des relations Euromed.

7. Tenth Annual Conference of the Economic Research Forum (ERF), Cairo, 16-18 December 2003
Applicants are encouraged to address some of the issues listed under the following themes/subthemes related to the Middle East:
(1) Population, Labor and Human Resource Development
(2) Globalization, Trade, Integration and FDI
(3) Financial Markets, Public Finance, and Governance
(4) Science and Technology, Industry and Environment.
The deadline for submitting abstracts, along with a CV and two published papers is 31st January 2003. Information Dr. Hana' Al-Sagban, E-mail:

8. Research Officer, German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany
The German Development Institute (GDI), a non-profit institution owned by the Federal Government and the Government of the Federal State Northrhine Westphalia, is seeking to recruit a Research Officer. The GDI undertakes consultancy and training activities based on independent
research. The position to be filled is directed towards research on global environmental policy. Central Asia and the Caucasus are the main regions to be covered. Candidates should be familiar with environmental and natural resource economics and be able to work on these issues in research, consultancy and training.
Additional requirements:
* Advanced university degree in economics or social sciences, preferably PhD;
* Excellent command of German and English and good knowledge of Russian (in speaking and writing);
* Professional experience in transformation and developing countries (preferably in Central Asia);
* Age: preferably below 35;
* Fitness for work in the tropics.
The appointment is scheduled to start as early as February 1st, 2003. The salary range is BAT IIa to BAT Ib, depending on qualifications.The closing date is January 13th, 2003.
Submissions with a detailed CV should be sent to the following address:
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik
Tulpenfeld 4
D-53113 Bonn

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