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The Strange German Indianer

Well, that's very very interesting:, a american feuilleton-style magazine, is writing about the germans who are playing indians in spare time. It's also about the very strange encounters with real indians. And here some americans are debating this news (I have to say that this discussion board tends to discuss things from the humorous side).

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Re: The Strange German Indianer

And the best comment in this debate:
"If you ask me, they are doing a totally lousy job of acting like Native Americans.... Not a single one of them owns and runs a casino!!! Stupid Germans."

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Re: The Strange German Indianer

it is so easy to name every german "nazi" only because germans are not following Bush in his hatred and war-love....

I am shocked about this kind of "humour"

many horrifiying news about USA today: the "registration of muslim men" which turned to be a trap and hundreds of them were arrested, for what????

I think, americans should be aware of the danger which is threatening democracy in "god's own country" rather than making stupid, worn out jokes about germans...

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I don't agree, where the people were discussing, is a very special site, and they have their own tradition of commenting news. It's always a mixture between serious - for europeans sometimes "shocking" viewpoints - and humorous exaggeration.

So, there are a lot of factors that make it very difficult to judge here. Don't be too fast.

And, Nazi and also Hitler hasn't got this huge meaning and emotional connotation like in germany, I guess. They don't use it in a historical meaning in this thread. It's only a collection of stereotypes.

And whats that for an argumentation: You say, they aren't allowed to make jokes because they elected a president which does not suit to the european meaning of democracy? In our country also a lot of things are going wrong - aren't we allowed to make jokes then neither?

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