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The current newsletter of the German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO) has just arrived. It comprises information on:

  1. Six Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
  2. MA Program, Central Asia/Caucasus, Humboldt-University, Berlin
  3. Postes à pourvoir à Beyrouth (IFPO-CERMOC)
  4. Workshop: "Re-evaluating Urban Heritage: Documentation, Rehabilitation and Preservation of Architecture and History", Tripoli, 11 - 14 December 2002
  5. Workshop: "Negotiating Power, Contesting Violence, and Assessing Perspectives for Transcultural Approaches: Gender and Nation State in Muslim Societies", Oldenburg, 12 - 14 December 2002 [See older story at Ethno::log ;o) ]
  6. Short Course: "Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Ethical Issues in Humanitarian Assistance", American University Cairo, 28 December 2002 - 2 January 2003
  7. Seminar on Central Asia and Caucasus: "Prospects of Security and Cooperation in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Iran, Regional Countries and the Trans-Regional Powers", Tehran, 20 - 21 January 2003
  8. International Conference on Policy Modeling, Istanbul, 3 - 5 July 2003 Read more ...

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1. Six Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin

A. 3 Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers

The Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin's Working Group Modernity and Islam invites scholars to apply for three postdoctoral fellowships for the project JEWISH AND ISLAMIC HERMENEUTICS AS CULTURAL CRITIQUE.

This project, led by Dr. Almut Sh. Bruckstein (Freie Universität
Berlin) and Dr. Navid Kermani (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin), will devise building blocks for the comparative hermeneutics of Jewish, Muslim, and Eastern Christian traditions. In 2003-2004 the thematic emphasis will be on: MIDRASH - EXEGESIS - TAFSIR.

Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions are based upon a
hermeneutical process in which a transcendentally inspired
scripture is thought to embrace a totality of religious meaning.
Their respective theological reflections therefore take on the
typical form of commentary and exegesis. The intellectual and
textual structures of Jewish, Christian and Muslim hermeneutics were often shaped in a shared geographical and cultural realm of discourse, the Arabic traditions figuring prominently in this respect. Consequently, Jewish, Christian and Muslim hermeneutical traditions cannot be fully understood without taking into account the complex dynamics and rivalries that make up this multi-religious cultural field. A comprehensive approach to the phenomenon of religious hermeneutics ought to employ a historical, comparative and literary perspective.

We invite applications by post-doctoral candidates interested
in the theological-political dynamics of Jewish, Islamic and
Eastern Christian hermeneutics, viewed from a literary,
aesthetic, or cultural perspective.

Deadline for application: 28 February 2003.
Further information

B. 3 Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin's Working Group Modernity and Islam invites scholars to apply for three postdoctoral fellowships for the project CULTURAL MOBILITY IN NEAR EASTERN LITERATURES

This project, led by Friederike Pannewick (Freie Universität
Berlin) examines the diverse reception and exchange relationships between the literatures of the Near East and other regions. In 2003-2004 the thematic emphasis will be on WORLD LITERATURE. "World literature" is understood as a phenomenon which, instead of simply perpetuating a canon of exemplary works, aims to establish a genuinely reciprocal discussion and a mutually beneficial exchange between literatures. Literary canons, transnational and pre-national writing and hegemonic discourse will be dealt with as well as cultural syncretism. Another focus will be on the seeming dichotomy of "world literature" crossing borders while remaining dependent on national literatures. Migrations, hybridization, and the undermining of boundaries are
often accompanied by efforts to draw new linguistic, political,
social, religious and poetical dividing lines.

The project Cultural Mobility in Near Eastern Literatures will
bring comparative literature scholars of Middle Eastern philology together with researchers in other philological areas and in cultural studies. The Working Group Modernity and Islam, as an interdisciplinary research network of the federal state of Berlin, is striving to tie regional studies more closely to other disciplines. In several independent projects, the attempt is being made to expand the horizon of Europe's history, its present, and its culture, which currently bears the strong stamp of nineteenth-century national identities. To ensure the inclusion of non-European experiences and perspectives, the Working Group seeks closer cooperation
with researchers from non-European regions in the sense of
"research with, not on."

Deadline for application: 28 February 2003.
Further information

2. MA Program, Central Asia/Caucasus, Humboldt-University, Berlin

Humboldt University Berlin will accept (depending on funding from the Volkswagen Stiftung) up to 30 students for enrolment in its Multidisciplinary Postgraduate Masters Program "Central Asia/Caucasia".

The 2 year program includes 3 semesters of studies in the geography, politics, economy, law, history, languages and cultures of the area that includes today's Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. During the fourth semester, students will have an internship in the region and complete their masters thesis. Successful participants will qualify for work in international cooperation and advisory jobs in management and politics as well as for a PhD track and an academic career.

The successful applicants will already have a B.A. or higher academic degree and have evidence of proficiency in german, which is the main language of instruction (certificate of "German for academic purposes", DSH). English as a second working language is required. Applications by women and by international students are particularly encouraged.

There is no tuition fee. A very limited number of scholarships,
foremostly for students from Central Asia and Caucasia, is available (only following admission).

Deadline for application (fax or mail is acceptable): 6 January 2003.
Further information

3. Postes à pourvoir à Beyrouth (IFPO-CERMOC)

N108 LIBAN (Beyrouth) Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO)

Les candidats à ce poste doivent être titulaires d'un doctorat et être engagés dans une recherche sur le Proche-Orient, de préférence sur le Liban, dans une discipline de sciences sociales du contemporain (économie, droit, science politique, sociologie...). Le poste est ouvert aux membres de l'enseignement supérieur ou d'un organisme de recherche
français, ainsi qu'à des candidats européens francophones d'un niveau équivalent.

N109 LIBAN (Beyrouth) Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO)

Les candidats à ce poste doivent être titulaires d'un doctorat et être engagés dans une recherche de sciences sociales qui concerne le Proche-Orient contemporain et qui puisse s'intégrer aux programmations de l'observatoire urbain de l'IFPO. Le poste est ouvert aux membres de l'enseignement supérieur ou d'un organisme de recherche français,
ainsi qu'à des candidats européens francophones d'un niveau équivalent.

Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 31 janvier 2003. Site web du ministère des affaires étrangères

4. Workshop: "Re-evaluating Urban Heritage: Documentation,
Rehabilitation and Preservation of Architecture and History"
Tripoli, 11 - 14 December 2002

This interdisciplinary and international workshop is organised by the Orient-Institut der Deutschen Morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft in Beirut and the Municipality of Tripoli.

5. Workshop: "Negotiating Power, Contesting Violence, and Assessing Perspectives for Transcultural Approaches: Gender and Nation State in Muslim Societies", Oldenburg, 12 - 14 December 2002

This workshop is organized by the Centre for Interdisciplinary
Research on Women and Gender (ZFG), Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. Detailed program
Or see older story at Ethno::log ;o)

6. Short Course: "Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Ethical Issues in Humanitarian Assistance", American University Cairo, 28 December 2002 - 2 January 2003

The course will provide the opportunity to reflect on the underlying ethical issues that motivate and legitimize humanitarian interventions in crisis situations. It will present and analyze the literature on some of the key themes as articulated in contemporary debates about the limits of 'humanitarianism'. These include:

a) the relation between the adoption of particular concepts in the description of the phenomena under consideration (e.g. 'conflict' instead of 'war', or 'famine' instead of 'complex political emergencies');
b) the implications of these terms in the context of aid agency
mandates that determine what aid agencies can legitimately claim to do in crisis situations; and
c) the financial constraints that impose practical restrictions
on the implementation of the binding principles enshrined in
international conventions and human rights documents.

It will also focus on the analysis of particular case studies
of conflict situations including Afghanistan, Bosnia, northern
Iraq, Sudan, and Rwanda.

Deadline for Applications is December 15.
Further information and updates

7. Seminar on Central Asia and Caucasus: "Prospects of Security and Cooperation in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Iran, Regional Countries and the Trans-Regional Powers", Tehran, 20 - 21 January 2003

The Institute for Political and International Studies affiliated to
the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs intends to hold its tenth
annual seminar on Central Asia and the Caucasus with the objective of evaluating the main developments that have unfolded in the region.

IPIS invites interested experts and observers of regional issues to contribute to this event by presenting their article(s) on any of the following topics:

1) Political and Security Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus;
2) Evaluating Factors of Threat and Crisis in the Region;
3) Expansion of Political, Economic and Cultural Cooperation as Prerequisite to Regional Peace and Stability;
4) The Role of International Organizations and Regional Arrangements in the Security of the Central Asia and the Caucasus;
5) The Role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Security of Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Those interested in presenting their papers can submit a one-page abstract along with their academic C.V. to the seminar's secretariat by December 6, 2002.


8. International Conference on Policy Modeling, Istanbul,
3 - 5 July 2003

The goal of the conference is to promote the exchange of ideas among economists conducting quantitative analysis for policy- and decision-making in the public and private sector. The conference will cover issues related to agriculture, business cycles, developing countries, energy and environment, EU enlargement, financial markets, forecasting
and projections methods, game theoretical models, general equilibrium modeling, labor market, macroeconometric modeling, microsimulation models, monetary policy, optimization models, public finance, regional modeling, sectoral issues, WTO, trade and regional integration issues.

The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2003.

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