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call for papers

Trafficking - on the paradoxes of mobility The second issue of Static, the online journal of the London Consortium, seeks to explore the loaded term ‘trafficking’. We aim to use the term in its widest possible sense to include the movement of humans, ideas and commodities. Our intention is to look at its negative associations, e.g. smuggling, exploitation, victimisation, and prostitution but equally reflect on potentially positive implications, e.g. movement and exchange of cultures and ideas. Are we allowed to contaminate the term with a positive meaning? Is trafficking restricted to a political, sociological and anthropological framework? What is the impact of trafficking on culture? We welcome contributions in English or any other European language, in the form of analytical essays and articles, interviews, art projects, photographic images, etc. For submission guidelines klick here.
Deadline 10th January 2006. For submission and further inquiries for Static Issue 02-Trafficking please write to: Irini Marinaki Konstantinos Stefanis

hint to the London Consortium via entry at Savage Minds.

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Last modified: 11/29/22, 8:56 PM
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